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"I hate this." Jungkook groaned.

It was already night time, Jungkook kept shifting back in forth in his bed trying to find a comfort spot. He knew everything and he didn't know how to handle it. Jennies voice still rings on his mind, not even a second leaving his mind.

"Well your father as soon as he was kicked out he had no other choice but to leave. He knew he did a wrong move, he knew that he had committed a sin and he had to fix it ."

"As he left he went to a guy who he had owed money and made a deal of helping him with his dirty works, if he gets the money he owes paid."

Jungkook knew that if Mr.Min hadn't kicked him out like an animal he would still have been a good guy who had never even think about the idea of killing dozens of people. He knew well that his father would still be by his mother side, in fact he would have been by himself and would have felt the love of a father he had always yearned.

"Jungkook as soon as he started all the killing he even became the most famous mafia that everybody fears because of how a calculative person he is."

"Your father has two other kids besides you."

That was when Jungkook understood that his father had no other choice but to stay with his wife, knowing that he would have to stay in charge of his family.

"I'm your sister Jungkook and your brother is Kim Yugyeom."

"And my brother doesn't know a thing that you are our brother."

"AHh! I hate this." Jungkook yelled, earning a glare from the boy who was laying next to him.

"Yah! Can you be quiet i'm trying to sleep here." Taehyung warned the boy who didn't give a damn about his beauty sleep.

"No. If you want me to be quiet then i suggest you to sleep in your room."

"I see how it is." Taehyung said getting up from the bed. "See you tomorrow."

The boy was about to leave grabbing his favorite teddy bear. As he reach the door he was suddenly pulled by the wrist.

"I'm sorry. I just have family issues now." Jungkook lowered his eyes trying to avoid his eyes. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, he knew well he was broken and needed all the time ha needed to get rid of all the pain inside him. Taehyung turned around admiring the boy in front of him. He hoped that one day he will show such bravery as he had shown the last couple of days.

"Hey i get it, don't worry. I know this isn't at all easy for you, but make sure you also take it easy on the people around you." Taehyung put a hand on Jungkook right shoulder, giving him a warm smile.

That smile was meaningful to Jungkook he knew well now that there was still people around him, Jimin and Taehyung.

"Now come on lets try and go to sleep, alright? Tomorrow we will be having a big day ahead of us."

"Fine. But if you dare walk away i'll make sure a cold bucket of water will be splashed on that pretty face of yours in the morning."

Taehyung knew that there was no escape and walked back towards Jungkooks bed. Laying down on the soft bed, he let out a sigh while Jungkook layed down next to him.

"Jungkook." Taehyung whispered.


"Have you talked to her?" Taehyung asked looking at the young boy who was laying down next to him.

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