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[Author p.o.v]

"Father this is Jungkook." Yugyeom said looking at the men, who Jungkook knew for a fact was his father as well.

"I know." His father simply said, looking at Jungkook for a couple of minutes before speaking to the boy who looked rather shocked for his sudden arrival. Mr. kim let out a chuckle seeing Jungkooks expression but later gaved him a soft smile.

"You know that having a son can be quite a headache, but i guess something tells me that, that won't be your case."

"Yah! Father." Yugyeom whined.

"What?" His father said innocently. "Am i saying something wrong?"

"No." Yugyeom directions was now towards the floor and no longer towards his father. "But at least say something nice instead of giving my brother bad ideas. What if he would want to run away after you said that?" Yugyeom said now worried for his own realization. His father looked at him with a gentle smile and shook his head as he heard his own sons words. He knew well that what Yugyeom words were definitely a thing Jungkook would do. There was a teason why he was his son.

"It's nice to meet you son." Mr.Kim said looking at the boy, who looked at him completely shocked. Jungkook didn't know what to say to him he was still not used of the idea of him being his father but Mr.Min, but he knew well that, that man who for his entire life was supposely his father did not deserve such title.

"U-uh...yeah." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck. The two siblings went behind Jungkook and smacked the back of his head earning a cry of pain.

"Yah! What did you guys did that for?" Jungkook rubbed his head.

"For no reason." Yugyeom said shrugging.

"No reason?" Jennie scoffed at his words. "The reason we smacked you was because your acting awkward towards OUR own father." Jennie yelled the word our while pointing at the three of them.

"Well what do you expect me to say?" Jungkook asked while giving the girl a glare. Jennie shrugged her shoulders and walked away from him along with Yugyeom.

Jungkook p.o.v

She's right i have to say something to him.

Especially when he is my father.

"So Jungkook how have you been this pass years." My father said looking a bit down when he mentioned passed years.

"Well i have been fine. So don't worry." I simply said.

"Lies." Yugyeom said butting in. "Come on tell father how Mr.Min along with Yoongi have been treating you as soon as your mother died." Yugyeom moved his head where our father was standing. I looked at father and looked back at Yugyeom.

"There is nothing to tell."

"Nothing to tell?" Yugyeom questioned sith raised eyebrow, not believing on my answer. "There is definitely something to tell or am i wrong Jennie." Yugyeom looked at Jennie who was now shaking her head in disapproval.

"Jungkook you need to tell father or else you both won't be able to get to know each other. What's the point of getting to know each other if there will be secrets." I looked at father knowing that Jennie was right. But how can i tell him? "Go on." Jennie encouraged me giving me a smile.

"Well the thing is that..." I paused for a few seconds before continuing. "My entire life i have been thinking Mr.Min was my father while he knew since the day i was born that i wasn't his father and umm...you can say he treated me more like a monster then his own son."

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