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Nope boring...

Also boring

I mentally said while changing the channel. Its been like thirty minutes and i still didn't find nothing to watch on the t.v.

I looked around the house to find something to do, but all i saw was nothing just a big house with boring stuff.

"Jungkook" a voice from behind me said, i turned around only to see yoongi with his everyday blank expression.

"What is it" i asked annoyed, but later regretted as he grabbed by ear.

"Ow! Hyung it hurts" i said yelling in pain.

Who knew this guy had so much strength even though he looks weak and boring.

"I'm your hyung, show some respect" he said gripping his hand on my ear more.

"Okay fine" i said releasing from his strong grip, was i was out of his grip i massaged my ear.

"That really hurted" i said glaring at him but was only responded by him with a shrug.

"So, what did you want?" i asked walking my way to the couch.

"The party, are you inviting her?" He asked stopping me from my steps. I turned around to look at him only smirking at me.

"Of course i am" i said smirking back, as my words were magic his smirk was no longer there except a shocked look.

"What, Did you think i was perhaps lying?" i said sitting down at the red leather couch.

"I see this is more serious then i thought but if your lying to me you know the consequences" he said giving me a serious look.

"I know besides, why are you always in my business" i said getting annoyed. "You always act like father, i mean you always act the way father always treat you" i said not caring how he felt towards my hard words.

Our father always cared more for yoongi more than me. One time yoongi had a 90 on his math test and i got blamed by father saying I'm just a distraction for him. The next day i brought my results of my math test which was a perfect 100 and of course father scolded me telling me that im selfish for not letting yoongi focus on his study, but what can i do about it?


I may be the playboy that had plenty of girlfriends but I'm the top of the class. Yoongi envied me for that but i guess were even now since i always envied him for having fathers attention the most.

"Jungkook look i-" he said but didn't get to finish as soon as i interrupted him.

"No hyung, now leave me alone" i said walking of to my room.

I walked inside my bright room with anger, i walked towards the curtains and closed it making the room dark. Life was never fair to me and it never will. I let out a deep sigh before going to the drawer and taking out a picture.

"Eomma, why did you leave me?" I said looking at the picture. It was the picture that me and my mother took together, it was when we were celebrating her birthday in a fancy restaurant without yoongi and father. That day was the most happiest day of my life but it was also the worst.

That day when we were leaving the restaurant mom said she was very tired and wanted to go back home and take a nap. Once we left the restaurant we were driving back home, when all of the sudden a bright light came towards our direction and the last thing i remember was moms scream. I had woke up feeling weak and seeing moms head bleeding and glass scattered around. My lips felt dried preventing me from talking. I looked at moms face with tears and only saw her smiling at me weakly. She let out a few tears and told me to be strong and to not fight with yoongi and to not hate father for acting indifferent towards me. Those were her last words before she closed her eyes. I shaked her to wake up but she didn't, i felt my eyes getting heavy and let out one last tear before losing consciousness.

"Who knew that nap will last long" i said chuckling before letting tears escape from my eyes.

"Im sorry i couldn't do those things you told me to. I failed to stay strong, instead i became something you never wanted me to, a monster. I also failed you into having a good relationship with yoongi. The worst part is that i even failed you with not having any hate inside of my heart, worst part is father someone you would have never liked to hear coming out of my mouth" i said caressing the side of the picture where mom was.

"Even though I'm a monster at least i wont be destroyed easily" i said wiping off my tears with my hand. "I promise you i wont be destroyed even if it takes to destroy someone elses life"

I put back the picture in the drawer and laid down on the bed staring at the ceiling. Life is cruel but i can be even more cruel.

"Let the party begin"


I was at the party that jungkook said to go and there was a whole crowd of people and music blasting in full voulme.

"Where is this idiot" i said looking around the club frustrated.

"I see jungkooks girl has not only got into trouble but also has gotten impatient to see her boyfriend"

I turned around to see who said that and saw jimin looking at me with amusement. He was well dressed, he looked hot with that blue shirt that only had two buttons undone revealing a little of his chest and those tight pants that was showing off his perfect legs.

"Umm...its not that its-" i said but was cut off with a finger landing on my mouth.

"No need to explain. Now how about we have some drinks since jungkook hasn't arrived yet, neither yoongi" he said giving me a warm smile while removing his finger.


We walked towards the canteen and order two strong drinks to get rid of all of our problems.

"So how does it feel to be noticed as jungkooks girlfriend" he said taking a drink.

I looked at his beautiful feature while he was drinking. His plumped lips that were touching the glass of cup leaving traces of where his lip had been.

"To be honest i dont like it"

I grabbed the drink and gulped it done not even leaving a drop.

"Woah, slow down there or else you'll get drunk" he said chuckling.

We sat down there very quiet, the atmosphere was very wierd that i decided to talk.

"So how do you feel being the friend of a playboy"

"You can say it is some what interesting" he said looking up front.

"To be honest if i were you i will kill myself for having a friend like him who doesnt have no emotions and doesn't cares about nobody except himself" i said but later regretted what i said as he looked at me with a scary look.

"Dont you dare talk about him like that, you have no idea what he went through or feels" he said getting up while still looking at me. "Before judging others make sure how things are really like" he said leaving me sitting down confused.

I was sitting down watching how he vanished through the crowd when a person stood in front of me. I looked up only to see the girl that was talking trash about me a few hours ago.

"Well if it isnt the gold digger" she said smirking.

"Get lost" i said annoyed by her bitchy attitude.

"Look here little girl i wont tolerate your tone after you stole jungkook from me only to have his money" she said giving me a glare.

"I didnt steal him from you besides hes the one that asked me to be his girlfriend, so go bother him and leave me alone"

God this girl is seriously annoying, i wonder why jungkook had to choose me out of all the girls.

"Of course im going to bother him" she said smirking. "once you know it I'll even steal him away from you"

"Oh yeah, then go ahead you'll be doing me a huge favor"

"Your seriously a-" she said but was cutt off.

"A what?"

We both turned around only to see jungkook sending daggers to the girl.

When did he get here? And why does he cares so much? Did he fall for me already?

The Big Mistake💔(Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now