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Warning: This chapter will contain 21+ scenes please watch at your own risk.

The whole room was completely silently as the guests were shocked at ehat they saw before. All the girls at mad at Lisa for betraying Jungkook with Jimin. Jungkook was ranked #1 in the most sexy men in school while #1 of handsome Taehyung took it. The whole school cared about Jungkook the most since he was the most glowing to them and they would do anything to make sure who ever messes with him will pay.

"So i see your a slut" A girl said looking at Lisa up and down, trying to see something in her. She rotated her glass of wine acting high class.

"I'm not a-"

"A slut, yes you are if not you wouldn't have messed around with Jimin behind Jungkooks back. No wonder you were so nervous and was in a hurry to take Jungkook with you" The girl said in realization. "You didn't want him to see that video, besides being a slut your also a gold digger"

"Alright thats enough" Jisoo said glaring at the girl.

"What a nice friendship you got there" The girl said rolled her eyes walking away.

As the girl walked away Lisa looked down at the tile floor feeling hurt.

"Hey don't listen to them your not a slut or a gold digger" Jisoo said patting her back gently.

"Maybe she is" Jennie said coldly not looking at Lisa but the people around her.

"What?" Jisoo asked surprised by jer harsh words.

Jennie ignored her question and continued talking.

"I warned you not to hurt his feelings! He has been through a lot of bullshit for you to make it worst. I thought you were the right one but i was wrong"

"Jennie i really didn't mean to"

"You didn't mean to?" Jennie chuckled feeling amused by the girls words. "There is no such as i didn't meant to. Its either he forced you or you volunteer to do it"

Lisa knew she did wrong and there was no excuse that could bring back both Jungkook and her together. And thats what she regrets.

"Jungkook stop being like this and lets go home" Taehyung shouted at the boy who was drinking alchol like crazy.

His heart was hurt once again and all he wanted to do was let the alchol drown the pain he felt.

"Leave me alone" Jungkook words came out slurred.

"Jesus Jungkook your drunk come on" Taheyung said grabbing onto Jungkook arm only to get shoved away by him.

"I said leave me alone" Jungkook said in frustration.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a concern look and looked at the other boys who were also watching in concern.

"I think its best if we leave him" Namjoon whispered into Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook for quick second before nodding his head.

"Jungkook i hope you realize that what your doing is wrong but if you want to be alone...then fine we will leave you alone" Taehyung said while the boys left.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook one last time before leaving with them too.

Jungkook sat down by himself and kept on drinking until he gets crazy. The video where both Lisa and Jimin kissed still kept on flashing in his mind. Taking another drink of alchol he felt a presence next to him.

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