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*characters p.o.v up ahead

As i finished getting dressed in my casual clothes i went downstairs only to see the front door shut.

Did he leave?

I walked where the girls were eating and saw Jungkook sitting down next to Rose and infront of Jisoo. As i walked in there eyes were on me.

"So you were planning on leaving without telling us nothing, huh?" Jisoo raised an eyebrow. She looked at me like she will kill me anytime.

"No i was but--"

"But what?" Jisoo cut me off. "Let me guess you didn't have enough balls to tell us this. You could have at least told us."

"I know." I said sighing.

"Yah! Jisoo stop scolding her...can't you see that she is trying to have a nice time with Jungkook. Afterall they have something to talk about, don't you?" Rose looked at Jungkook who was nervous. He looled at Rose and gaved her a nod.

"Your one lucky one i see." Rose complimented. "He is very handsome and cute, if it wasn't for you i would have been dating him already."

I looked at Jungkook and saw how his cheeks were flushed red. Call me crazy or anything but if i wasn't Roses friend i would have killed right on the spot.

"Well thats too bad." I said glaring at Rose while she let out a chuckle.

"Relax Juliet i won't take him away from you, but you better be careful because i know there will be someone out there that will try to take him away from you. As soon as she said that i knew only one person who would do anything to catch Jungkooks attention....


Just remembering about her makes my blood boil. Who knows what that girl would do next to get down on his pants. But all i know is that i won't let that happen.

"I mean i do have a girl chasing me Rose." Jungkook said. I looked at him only to see him playing it cool, not even sparing me a glance. "But the problem is that i only have eyes for Lisa."


I felt my heart was beating fast on my chest. For a second i felt the whole world stop for a second. What made me happy that there was a possibility taht be might love me like i love him.

"Hey Lisa stop staring at him and please clean up th drool on the table." Jisoo gaved me a smirk.

"What? What drool?" I was confused.

"What do you mean what drool? I'm talking about the drool you have left off the table because you keep looking at Jungkook."

I looked away shy. I felt so exposed, i seriously hate that girl.

The atmosphere jad changed, the room was filled with silents.

"Alright then i guess we will be going." Jungkook said getting up. "I hope to see you guys again and get to hangout with you guys. I might even bring my hyungs with me."

"Which ones?" Jisoo asked.

"The youngest."

"How come?" Rose asked.

"Well i mostly... I mean i live with them and right now i am having problems with the oldest ones."

"Oh..." Was all Jisoo said.

"Yah Jisoo stop asking questions and let us leave already." I said feeling impatient.

Jungkook started walking off.

The Big Mistake💔(Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now