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The real game starts now.

Step 1: take him on dates
Step 2: gain his trust
Step 3: get to know him more
Step 4: be able to relate with him
Step 5: get close to his friends
Step 6: buy him a present on special occasions and one day a month
Step 7: be nice to him
Step 8: be his real girlfriend

And the last step that is definitely the Most Important out of all the other step is...

Step 9: get rid of Rachel

I closed my notebook planner with a big smile on my face, feeling quite satisfied with my ideas. I rolled down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. It was just yesterday when i had figured out that i indeed have feelings for jungkook, it was just yesterday where i knew i felt a pang of jealousy flood through my mind and body. I regret arguing with jungkook, at the end i turned out not going on a date with him. I mean hanging out with him.

"Who is it?" I said hearing a knock on my door.

No response...

I got up from my bed groaning at the person who knocked on my door. I opened the door only to be thrown at the bed.

"Please cook me something to eat" rose pleaded in her soft yet sweet voice.

"No" i sat up. "Now leave before i kick you out, and you will definitely not like it"

"Oh come on~" she grabbed my arm while shaking it desperately. "Both jisoo and jennie are not here and you know i don't know how to cook, now help this poor child that is suffering from hunger"

"Fine" i let out a sigh. "But where did they go?"

"Jennie went to go see her parents, while jisoo said she was going to go shopping for new sweat pants to walk around with at home"

"Mmm..." I hummed in her response.

"Anways what were you doing, if i may ask"

"Well you can't know, now lets go" i said dragging her out of my room with me. We walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen, it always reminds me on how an amazing chef my dad is beside managing the school i go to. Who knows how he manages it when he is barely here but in Thailand with mom, but if  i had a chance to visit them in Thailand i won't miss it for a thing, but i have been pretty busy lately with school and life making it impossible to go there.

"So what are you going to cook lisa" rose said already stressing me out.

"Kimbap and kimchi with rice" i simply said grabbing all the ingredients i needed, not even sparing her a glance.

I started placing the ingredients on the counter in order to make things easier. Rose had been eyeing my every move, not even caring of her presences i put an apron on that had flowers around it with a color of pink, folding my sleeves up i started washing up the carrots for the kimbap. Now lets get started.


"Wow...its very delicious lisa. I will give you a five star" rose held up her hand showing a five.

"Well you know what will be better?" i said poking my food.

"What?" Rose asked looking at me while still eating.

"One that you stop talking while your eating and two....pay me for the food."

"Yah!" She yelled, i ignored her and continued eating. "Be at least grateful i at least buy half of the food that you just cook right now, so now were even"

"Just suggesting" i shrugged my shoulders.

"Well dont suggest and about my eating habit what is so bad about it"

The Big Mistake💔(Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now