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"Uh...it hurts"

"Make the pain go away"

"Turn off the lights" i said waking up from a terrible headache.

I rubbed my head with both my hands to try to get at least some pain away, but of course it was useless. I looked around the room closely only to be shocked of my surrounding.

"Where am i?"

"I have to go before the girls gets mad at me for not arriving home" i said getting up from a queen size bed.

"And where do you think your going?"

I turned around already recognizing that voice, he was looking at me with an intense look while leaning on the wall and crossing his arms.

"None of your business" i said trying to find my shoes. I looked under the bed and couldn't find them, i dont care if he's watching me all i care are my shoes and walking out of here.

"Are you looking for these" he said holding my shoes.

"Yes now give it to me" i said walking up to jungkook to get them, as i tried to get them he snatched it away hiding it behind his back.

"Who do i look like to you, I'm not going to give it to you just like that" he said walking to the queen sized bed and sat down on the edge.

"Stop being so annoying and give it to me" i said trying to get grab my shoes from him, but failed.

"Tsk. You know a please would be just enough, but now I'm not looking forward to hearing those words coming out of your mouth instead something else" he said smirking.

He looked at me up and down and i felt very uncomfortable that i covered myself, but somehow i felt my clothing different. I looked at what i was wearing only to see a white oversized shirt on me and not my red dress.

"You pervert!" I yelled. "What happened to my clothes and who changed me"

"I did after all your my girlfriend"

"What?!" I yelled shocked.

"Relax it was my maid, but would you have perfered that i changed you myself" he said walking closer to me.

"Stand back" i said walking up to a lamp and grabbing it. "I'm warning you if you get any closer i wont hesitate to hit you"

"Useless" he said standing few inches away from me. He put both of his hands in his pocket and starred at me.

"What are you looking at, like what you see" i said trying to annoy him but failed as i was the one getting annoyed.

"Not really i have seen better"


"Go get changed, i told the maid to buy you clothes" he said with a blank face.

This guy is seriously hard to read. I dont get why people admire him or even care for him, in my eyes all i see is a scumbag.

"Its in the bathroom" he said still standing with his blank expression.

"Okay then..." I said waiting for him to get out, but no he was still standing there.

"You can leave now" i said.

"What? Aren't we dating" he said acting dumb.

"Leave now!" I said getting annoyed.

first he is a playboy that asked me out even if its fake, second he is very annoying that doesnt stops bothering me each day, and lastly a pervert that wants to see me naked, what else is there to know about him?

The Big Mistake💔(Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now