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Rachels words still kept ligering into Lisas head.

"That's right im pregnant and your that father Jungkook"

Lisa shook her head as tears finally fell one by one. Lisa felt hurt, if only she didn't kiss Jimin back Rachel wouldn't have been pregnant with Jungkooks baby. She always wonder how it would have felt like to have a baby of her own with Jungkook, but all that got crushed as she found out the truth.

"Lisa why are you crying" Rose asked worried. Seeing Lisa crying made Rose also want to cry too.

"I-i just found that Rachel is pregnant with Jungkooks baby" Lisa's words left Rose in shock as well as Jisoo who heard her words while making her way towards them.

"What?! How? I mean why?" Jisoo asked while Lisa shrugged her shoulders.

"He said he didn't mean to do it and that he was drunk but i just can't accept it" Lisa said.

As they were talking Jennie approached Lisa with a sly smirk.

"Now you know how my brother felt when you decided to cheat on him right?" Jennie said without regrets. "And last time i checked you guys are no longer dating so you shouldn't really blame it on him. Next time think twice before doing something" with that Jennie left leaving the girls shocked by her harsh words.

"Don't listen to her it's just that Jungkook is her brother and she cherosh him a lot" Rose said but Lisa couldn't stop thinking that everything happen because of her.

"You did it on purpose right?!" Jungkook yelled the whole class was watching in anticipation.

"And if i did so what?" Rachel admitted not feeling any kind of remorse.

Jungkook pushed his hair back feeling frustrated. He regretted coming back to school and listening to Taehyungs advice all he wanted to do was go back home and take a cold shower not caring he might get sick.

"Listen carefully" Jungkook looked at her with a look that can kill. "I'll take care of the baby but don't expect me to date you or even come to the idea of marriage with you. The only reason why i will get close to you is because of the baby inside of you not because of love but because of a responsibility i need to take" Jungkook made himself clear.

Jungkook sat his desk looking at the front of the class while Taehyung gaved him a few glances later looling at Rachel.

"I believe he had made himself clear you may leave now" Taehyung stared at her blankly. Rachel let out a scoff and walked out of the class. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a concern look. He didn't know that Jungkooks problem would pile up like this.

"Jungkook what are you going to do now?" Taehyung asked. The young boy looked at him letting out a big sigh.

"Quit staring!" Jungkook said at the whole class. The students immediately looled away and started doing there own stuff as usual. Taehyung in the other side kept staring at Jungkook trying to at least see through him, trying to find his emotions.

"Whatvare you going to do about Lisa?" Taehyung asked taking Jungkook by surprised. Jungkook fidgeted with his fingers for a while and later on spoke.

"I don't know. I don't think i should really explain myself after what she did to me besides were nothing"

"Nothing?" Taehyung said sarcastically. "Call me and idiot or anything but i could clearly see that she still loves you and that she didn't mean to kiss Jimin"

"Be quiet" Jungkook clenched his hand just by hearing his name.

"No, now you listen to me. Not everything is full of colorful stuff but guess what we still keep on moving no matter what. We all went through tough paths and thats no reason to act up like that" Taehyung gazed turn serious. Taehyung looled at the front of the class letting out a sigh. "Just do whats best don't ruin your life"

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