Chapter 36

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Good Morning.

*Sisilia's POV*

"But he didn't have to treat me as if I was a piece of shit!" Robert argued stubbornly as he finished brushing his teeth. He then went, or more like, stormed, into the bedroom and layed on his side of the bed.

After introducing Jeff and Robert to one another and having them kill each other with their eyes, Jeff took us back to the hotel he, Matt and the girls was staying at and got Robert and I a room.

Of course, you would think that Robert and I would be in separate rooms or atleast a two bedroom room, but just for my own personal joy and pleasure of seeing Jeff's reactions, I took a single one instead and insisted that Robert and I share.

Not that either of us really had a problem if we're being real here.

But after saying our goodnights and goodbyes, since it was already late at night, Robert began his complaining about Jeff's behaviour and it's been constant for about an hour or more which I now began regretting my decision deeply.

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily feeling frustrated and very sleepy as I slammed the toothbrush down onto the counter and also made my way into the bedroom.

"I don't know how many times I need to tell you this Rob; Jeff is like my big brother, he's very protective and seeing us and seeing you for the first time, without a doubt, brought thoughts into his head that we're probably a thing," I paused going over and closing the bedroom door. "If you'd like, I will talk to him tomorrow, so stop whining," I then removed my robe, revealing my pyjamas, and plop myself onto the bed next to Robert getting under the sheet and comforter.

Robert then copied me settling into bed and turning off the lamp after mumbling the word "fine."





My stomach growled viciously in hunger as the smell of a fantastic breakfast combination entered my nostrils.

"Mmm..." I hummed opening my eyes slowly and stretching out my body.

"Good morning sunshine!" Robert chirped overly happy and bursting with adrenaline. "Hope you don't mind having breakfast in bed," He grinned pointing with his eyes to the tray he held in his hands.

I looked at him shocked and sat up. "Robert you didn't hav-"

"Shh! Don't talk, eat!" He cut me off placing the tray onto my lap and sitting beside me.

"Thank you," I murmured looking down at the mouth watering food in front of me.

"I hope you like your coffee black," He said while smiling sheepishly. "I didn't kno-"

"I love it," I cut him off with a sweet smile. "Not really a milk and sugar kinda gal," I scrunched up my face in fake disgust.

"Ah, then no wonder you're always so bitter," He joked with a smirk.

I gasped and smacked his arm. "Am not!"

"Ow! You hit me which only confirms it!" He teased rubbing his arm in fake hurt.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the mug of coffee. "And I can do a lot more," I smirked mischievously before taking a sip of my coffee.

Robert pretended to look shock and was about to say something until a loud knock was heard from outside.

His shoulders slumped for a brief moment before straightening back up.

"I'll get it," And with that he walked out the bedroom.

I, however, began devouring the delicious food that was placed on my lap and was begging to be eaten.

Moments later, footsteps were heard walking towards the bedroom and soon the door was opened.

"Morning Sisi," Jeff greeted with his perfect smile drawing closer to me.

I removed the tray from on top of my lap and swung my legs over the bed, now standing up.

"Hey you," I smiled broadly opening my arms and welcoming Jeff into a nice comfy hug.

"What's up?" I asked now breaking the hug and reclaiming my spot on the bed.

"Just coming from Vince's office and I kinda told him that you were here so now he wants to see you ASAP," He explained a bit nervously.

I waved him off and shook my head. "You didn't do anything wrong. I had to go see him anyways, hence why I'm here."

Jeff huffed out a breath. "Well then get dressed and I'll drive you."

"Be. Nice. Jeff," I warned Jeff in a hushed tone as I glared at him hard.

Jeff, Robert and I were now outside of Vince's office and currently, I was now leaving both of them to go inside.

I couldn't leave Robert alone back at the hotel so I brought him with me. I thought it would be nice for him to have a feel of the environment I worked in.

Jeff and Robert still weren't seeing eye to eye and I know that Robert wouldn't do or say anything out of place, but it was really Jeff I was worried about.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "I'll try my best."

I squinted my eyes at him before glancing over to Robert and giving him a sweet smile, to which he returned. I then walked into Vince's office shutting the door behind me.

"Well good morning Miss Osborne," Vince greeted politely.

"Good morn-" I began but froze once I turned around and saw the other individual sitting across the table from Vince. I gulped and let the rest of the word trail from my mouth. "-ing."

"Good morning," His deep ruggish voice spoke making the hair stand up at the back of my neck.

I was frozen and nailed down on spot as he just sat there staring at me smugly with that dumb yet unforgettable smirk on his face all while annoyingly smacking his chewing gum.

That God damn chewing gum.

A/N- What am I EVER going to do with Robert and Jeff. *sighs*


Guess who's back!


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