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Hey guys! In case anyone is confused, this book used to be called 'Abortion'. I changed the name! Enjoy the epilogue!

Niall's POV

The flight from Ireland to New York, and then the connector to West Virginia drained about every ounce of energy I had in me. It was all worth it, though. Every minute, every second of being crammed in a tiny seat, squished against a middle aged business woman who glared at me the entire time, and an old man who snored louder than the plane engine, was worth it.

I was going to see my children today. Rory, for the first time in a little over two years. And my daughter, who I've never had the chance to meet yet.

Thinking of her growing from a small infant to a young toddler made my chest tighten, so better to not think about it.

The airport was not as busy as I expected it to be, which really was a bonus. I was in no mood to weave in and out of crowds, and the only people I wanted to see were my kids.

And their mother.

She was supposed to be here to pick me up. I had offered to take a cab to wherever she wanted to see me, but Shay had insisted. At this point, I was willing to do just about anything she asked me to do.

As if on cue, Shay emerges from behind a corner that must lead down another corridor in the airport. She looks so similar to how I remembered her, her dark hair sun kissed and slightly blonde looking on the ends.

I noticed the tight jean capris and the coral t-shirt she wore immediately. I also noticed how she seemed to look wiser, older in a sense but still possessing the same beauty that she's always had.

"Hey." She was the first one to speak, and I realized with a start that I must have been gaping at her ridiculously.

"Hi. It's great to see you." I managed to stumble out, staring at her but unable to stop.

Her eyes flashed to the ground, and I mentally shook myself. I knew I was freaking her out with my staring and dumbfounded expression.

"I'm sorry. It's just... really good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too, Niall." She smiles faintly, her brown eyes meeting mine again.

"Should we get going?" I asked nervously, eager to see Rory and Kasey.

"We should talk a little bit first." She waved her arm over to the side, to a waiting area that was vacated for one of the airport gates.

I followed along behind her, hiking my bag further on my shoulder, getting a little anxious. Shay was acting so calm, but her strength seemed to be emanating from her in waves. I admired her before, but now? I could tell she was powerful, a force to be reckoned with.

"Alright, let's talk."

I sat down beside her, leaving one of the seat spaces between us however.

She nodded quickly, glancing around at her hands as if she were collecting her thoughts.

"What all has Austen told you about me? About us?"

Her question threw me for a bit of a loop, but I caught myself before I could frown.

"Who's us?"

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