Forty Seven

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Throwback pic to when Shay was pregnant with Rory

**Very important note!:
It has come to my attention that a reader interpreted content in the previous chapter negatively, as Shay didn't necessarily consent and Niall didn't ask/and was pushy. I'm writing this note to inform all of my readers that I in no way promote sexual assault or rape culture and that the contents in the last chapter are solely based upon the uniqueness of their relationship. It is never okay to be pushed into anything you are uncomfortable with, and you have the power to say no at anytime. Sorry if anyone else saw this chapter as promoting sexual assault it was not my intention!

Also, very sorry for the long period of time without updating. I've been extremely busy with school work and I've had bad writers block, which resulted in this chapter taking forever to complete. Please enjoy and let me know what you think! xo**

Blake Shelton ft. Ashley Monroe - Lonely Tonight

Niall's POV

Shay had only stopped crying a few minutes ago, and now we were sitting comfortably together on the couch. It was the early hours of the morning, but here we were, wide awake and cuddling with nothing but the light of the television keeping the room from being black. She was laying between my legs with her back to my chest, her head on my shoulder. I silently played with her hair between my fingers, my mind reeling.

Shay and I were having another baby.

I couldn't believe it.

When I found out she was pregnant again, it never crossed my mind that it could've been me that got her pregnant. I hadn't slept with Shay in so many months and I was too angry to even work out the math of her pregnancy and the last time we slept together in my head.

I was confused and afraid of the future. What would stop Shay from packing up and leaving again after this baby was born?

I had promised her that I wouldn't take either of our children away from her but I was having some serious doubts. I couldn't handle another long period of time on my own, without a clue where she had run off to with my kids. I wouldn't let that happen again, and though I didn't want to hurt her, I couldn't stand to have her hurt me time after time again.

"Niall?" She whispers suddenly, and my eyes blink open. I feel her shifting around in the darkness until she's facing me, her hands splayed across my chest. She rests her chin on top of them and I can feel her staring at me, though my eyes hadn't adjusted yet and I could hardly see her. "Hmm?" I reply quietly, pushing away the whirling thoughts still in my mind.

"I'm really sorry. You know that, right?"

I nod my head, but then clear my throat and a hum a "yeah."

"You don't sound convincing..." She sighs tiredly.

"Let's just not talk about it right now Shay. It's...a lot to process." I try to put together a coherent sentence with the mess working it's way into my screwed up mind.


I jump as she leans forward and softly kisses my lips, her hands still pressed against my chest. She gets off the couch moments later and says goodnight, and I don't let out the breath I had been holding until I hear the click of my bedroom door closing shut behind her.

When the real morning rolls around and it's daylight, I was sure to be out of the house before Shay could wake up. I left a note for her on the fridge and took Rory with me, figuring I deserved a little father-son time alone with him.

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