Twenty Eight

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The last thing I remembered after hearing Brittany's confession, was packing Rory up into his seat and bolting out of the church. Everyone was in a state of shock, myself included, but I couldn't bare to be around anyone. I was so utterly embarrassed to have something like this come out, especially in a church at my sons christening. I didn't know what was true or what to believe and I was angry and frustrated, even more so when Niall yelled my name and ran after me.

"Shay! Shay please, please baby let me explain...."

I ignored him, buckling Rory into the backseat. Tears were falling from my eyes so rapidly I could hardly see two feet in front of me.

When I attempted to get into the drivers side Niall slammed the door closed, hard. The noise made me jump and cry harder, and Niall pinned my body in between him and the back door of my car.

"Please, I need you to listen to me Shay. I need to explain this to you, the whole story."

"I don't want to be around you right now." I blurted, sobbing into my hand that covered my mouth. This was what always happened when we fought. I wanted to get the hell away from him and Niall wanted to try to 'explain' to me, it didn't feel right that he always needed to explain something to me. We shouldn't be arguing and having this much drama, and Niall should not have to constantly explain his actions if they weren't shady.

"I'm not letting you drive like this." He pressed his palm down on the door when I tried to open it again, overpowering me. "You're upset Shay. You could get in a wreck and hurt yourself or Rory. We can go home and talk this through, I'll drive."

Unwilling and too tired to argue, I slipped under his arm and got into the passenger seat. Niall took about 30 seconds to run back to the church, presumably to tell the others that we were leaving before he was back in the car.

The drive back home was silent. Rory only cried once but when I reached back to rub his leg he quieted up quickly.

Every now and then I could feel Niall's eyes glance over to me, staring long enough to have my skin burning and tingling. I used to love when Niall looked at me but in this situation he was making me feel more uncomfortable. My head was, once again, a jumbled mess and I hated it. I hated feeling weak and vulnerable and when it came to Niall, that's all I ever was.

I stayed in the car for a few moments after Niall parked and was even out of the car himself. He carefully took Rory's seat from the back while I stayed frozen, afraid of what was to come, fearing that what I was about to hear would be something unforgivable.

When Niall tapped on my window I blinked quickly, taking a deep breath as I stared straight ahead. I pushed the door open and swallowed every bit of fear I had. Niall and I confessed what we felt about each other just days ago, and we made love. Niall assured me that it was the two of us, that we would be together and strong forever.

I didn't know what it was Brittany meant in the church but maybe I had misinterpreted it. Or maybe I hadn't. Whatever it was Niall would tell me and we would be okay. I would make it be okay. It was time to grow up and face my problems like an adult would, and that's exactly what the two of us needed to do.

I let Niall hold my hand all the way up to the apartment. Rory was still sleeping soundly in his seat, so we decided to leave him in it once we got inside. Turning the baby monitor on and putting him in our room, we both sat across from each other in the living room with the intentions of talking this out.

At first Niall was silent and very hesitant. He sat with his hands crossed together, twisting and untwisting them repeatedly.

"Niall." My voice was firm and strong, demanding answers from him immediately.

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