Forty Nine

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I was absolutely fuming as I entered the room Rory was currently in, though I was informed he would be getting transferred into the the children's ward and kept overnight for observations. I didn't care whether or not Niall stayed with us, I couldn't stand to look at him right this moment anyways. His actions were ridiculous.

Sure, I might have been a little jealous at the amount of sympathy he had for Tina and I didn't like how he felt like he needed to protect her. But regardless of my own personal feelings, it was downright enraging that he thought it was okay to be concerned for her feelings when she nearly killed our son.

I rubbed Rory's thigh gently, coaxing him back into his slumber as he stirred. He gurgled quietly, his fist twisting around one of my fingers. I sighed in content, watching him closely as I was unable to take my eyes away from him. I tensed when the door squeaked open, biting my tongue. If it was Niall I would really have to control myself not to scream at him, he was so infuriating.

It pained me to know that the two of us weren't how we used to be. When I was pregnant and my relationship began with Niall, we were blissfully happy for quite some time. Things seemed so simple and now it was just disaster after disaster occurring for our never ending cycle of disappointment. I could no longer stand the thought of being without him though. I realized now that no matter how much he hurt me emotionally, I would always love him and that was my downfall. Dreadfully, I was Achilles and Niall was the arrow to my heel; my ultimate weakness.

My train of thought was broken when a hand clasped my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly in fright.

"It's just me." Lucas soothingly coaxed, sitting down in the chair beside me. The chair Niall should be in, but wasn't.

"Niall told me everything that happened. Is Rory okay?"

"He's better now." I whispered, careful not to wake him. My eyes peered next to me, and I noticed the worry written all over Lucas's face; as well and the frown bending at his lips.

"Did she tell you?" I asked near silently, praying that she did so I didn't have to break the news to him myself.

He looked down at the floor and solemnly nodded his head, squeezing his fingers on my shoulder.

"And?" I whispered, trying to gauge a reaction out of him. I wanted to know what he was feeling, thinking.

"And, I'll be there if the baby's mine. If not, then it's on her." He mumbled, and I wasn't surprised that he didn't feel any type of sympathy for her. I didn't exactly blame him, as it was her choice to do what she did to her boyfriend; but the actions were his as well.

"And before you ask, no, I don't love her, and no, I don't love Tina. I don't know how I managed to get myself into this fucked up love triangle but the damage is done." I scolded him quietly for swearing in front of Rory, but at least he was asleep.

"Now one of them is pregnant with the possibility of it being mine and the other one is crazy attached, whereas I'm just...not." He continued on a deep breathy sigh, running his hands through his short brown hair.

I wrapped my arm around his bicep and rested my head on his shoulder, side hugging him to show my support. We stayed silent after that, watching Rory snooze away, waiting for the doctor to come back.

"I can't believe she gave my baby almond milk.." I stated suddenly, still in absolute disbelief that we were at the hospital yet again. It didn't feel real.

"I can't either. I mean obviously I can't feel your crazy motherly anger, but I'm pretty pissed too." He laughed and I smiled against his shoulder.

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