Sixty One

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Rain pelted down against the windshields so heavily, people didn't know what to do with themselves. Traffic was lined up ridiculously on the freeway, to the point it was nearly at a dead stop and our 30 minute drive had already turned into an hour. We weren't even halfway there yet.

Thankfully, the dulling sound the rain was when we first started our drive had put Rory to sleep. It was a little shocking that the loudness of it now didn't wake him, however. Niall was getting more irritable and tense every time he had to stop the car. You could see nothing in the distance but what seemed like endless sets of brake lights, the red glow fluorescent in the dreary weather.

I sighed and rested my elbow against the window as Niall cursed quietly. Watching him from the corner of my eye, I noticed his clenched jaw and the way his sport jacket seemed to stretch after every flex of his arms.

"This is ridiculous, do Americans not know how to drive?" He growled, and was just about to let out another string of curses by the look on his face when I grabbed his arm.

"You're going to wake Rory." I warned, my eyes frantic. I so did not want to deal with his crankiness from being disturbed right now.

"Christ, I can't take this." He mumbled quietly after a few more agonizing, touch and stop of the gas peddle and then the brake. I gasped as he suddenly veered the wheel to take the off ramp, but it wasn't the one we wanted nor the one anyone else seemed to want.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously when Niall accelerated and proceeded to exit the freeway on the ramp. I didn't recognize the exit, as we were on the outskirts and in a very secluded area. Austen's house was slightly out in the countryside, but I had never seen him take this exit before.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked when he didn't respond to my first question. He gave me a quizzical look, followed by an eyebrow raise.

"Of course I do. I'll get us there, don't worry."

His eyes were quickly back on the road as the rain was absolutely atrocious and it was nearly impossible to see through it. My fingers tapped my thigh nervously, my other hand rubbing my aching lower abdomen.

I was due for some of the medication, and I really had to pee too.

A sudden bolt of lightning in the distance followed by thunder had me jumping in my seat. My eyes were wide as saucers and my hand gripping the door so tightly, it was quite possible I would rip the interior of Niall's car out.

"It's just a storm Shay, relax." Niall tried to assure me, though the speed he was going followed by the storm and the secluded, creepy trees was making me even more nervous.

"Please slow down." I suddenly begged, my toes pressing hard into my shoes and then into the floor. "I'm going to have a panic attack."

"Shay, you're being ridiculous" Niall groaned, not slowing a bit. "If I slow down, we won't get there as fast, now would we?" He asked slowly, and I could hear the teasing in his voice.

"This isn't funny, I'm not joking." I gripped the door tighter, my entire body tense.

"Where are we? You probably don't even know. Jesus, my heart can't take this. I hate these storms and you're going too fast." I rambled endlessly, my breathing increasing no matter how much I tried to slow it down.

The road was windy, and we were the only car I had seen for miles. Niall wasn't being careless but I was still nervous and crampy and I really really needed to pee.

"I can't hold it, I'm going to pee myself." I gasped, shocked at how I couldn't seem to hold my bladder. Niall glanced at me, shaking his head with a soft smile.

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