Thirty Three

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Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss
The 1975 - Talk!

It had to be around 4 in the morning when I tripped into the apartment. I hit the floor with a menacing thud, clenching my teeth with my eyes shut tight, praying I didn't wake Rory. When silence is all the noise I heard, I sighed a breath of relief and tried to get up off my stomach. With a groan I realized I was stuck, hiccuping before laying my face flat against the carpet in front of me. The alcohol was hitting me a lot harder now that I was home.

I removed my shoes by kicking my feet together, digging my hands into the floor and dragging myself further into the living room so I wasn't in front of the door. I had no idea how I had managed to drive myself home, I didn't even know how my incoherent self could unlock my front door. I was so beyond trashed it was ridiculous.

With another groan I forced myself to roll onto my back, staring up blankly at the ceiling. The room spun for a few seconds from my sudden movement and I closed my eyes, a dulling throb bursting strongly behind my eyes.

"Fuck." I muttered quietly, knowing I was going to be badly hungover in the morning. Maybe I could call in to work and....

A light down the hall flickered on, and I could hear the familiar scrape of Shay's slippers on the hardwood floor. I moaned in agony as she turned on a lamp in the living room, momentarily blinding me and causing the pain in my head to intensify.

"Niall, oh my god..." She rushed over to me, kneeling on the floor beside me. Her silky night gown rose to above her knees and I cursed myself for being trashed right now.

"Are you ill, gosh did you catch it from me?" She whispered, pressing her palm to my forehead. I pushed her arm away, knowing she wasn't going to feel a fever. Frowning, Shay knelt down to me and sniffed, her nose scrunching in disgust.

"Oh my- what did you do? You reek of booze, Niall."

"Baby." I pleaded, reaching for her hands. She swatted me away in anger, weakly stumbling to her feet. It was then that I realized how ill she looked herself, her eyes tired and cheeks a heated red, probably from a fever. She was clutching her tummy and looked like she was going to be sick.

"I can't believe you." She mumbled, hurt lacing her voice. "All day you were gone, and then you come home drunk. I just can't believe you."

She turned and walked away, scurrying down the hall and quietly closing the washroom door behind her. I wished I had the willpower to get up and follow her, to apologize, but I knew that if I was sober I wouldn't want to. I was angry with her this morning, so angry, and now I had made the situation worse by getting her pissed at me too.

Shay's POV

My tired eyes peeled open slowly when I saw light streaming in through the curtains. With a heavy sigh, I slowly hoisted myself from the mattress and clutched a hand to my forehead. I was still warm, and still felt nauseous, but I had a baby to take care of and things to do today. Things my idiot of a boyfriend clearly wouldn't be up for.

I shouldn't have been surprised.

But I was. I was also beyond angry with him and hurt that after leaving all day, he didn't bother to call once after our argument. Once again I had to care for Rory all day by myself while his father pranced around the city getting drunk.

I silently slid out of bed and combed my fingers through my hair. I needed a shower, but that would mean I needed Niall to watch Rory and I wasn't up for speaking to him right now. Instead I moved over to his bassinet myself, still upset about not getting him a crib. Everything was just repeatedly getting ruined and I was sick of it.

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