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When I arose from my sleeping state, I was surprised to see Niall still laying with me. My eyes blinked quickly to adjust to the bright lighting, and I looked down to see my hand held tightly in his. When I tried to pull away, his fingers subconsciously tightened around mine in his sleep.

Sighing, I rest my cheek on his shoulder and close my eyes again. I was still tired, but thankful that I was actually able to get some rest last night.

"Shay" Niall whispers suddenly as I wiggle around some more, pulling me tighter into his side. "Keep still" He instructs, his eyes still closed.

"I have to pee." I admit, finally freeing my hand from his. Niall sighs, slowly opening his eyes and stretching his long arms out above his head. He sits up next, taking my by the hips and carefully pulling me over his lap until my feet touch the floor.

"Thank you." I mumble, scurrying off to my adjoining restroom. I lock the door behind me, taking a glance at my reflection in the mirror.

I hadn't gotten used to the look of my stomach yet. Even now, as I stand in front of the mirror with my shirt lifted, the swell still comes as a surprise to me.

A short sigh escapes my lips as my fingers touch over the lower part of my stomach. A small nudge can be felt from the inside, and I know that it's my baby kicking. With my eyes closed, a small smile curves at my lips, a tear rolling down my cheek as I feel another movement happening.

I was afraid, deathly afraid but this was happening. It was real and I was unbelievably thankful that the human being growing inside of me was alive and well, and all mine at that.


"I didn't know you were taking a shower" Niall smirks as I enter my room again. I had a large towel wrapped around me, holding it tight beneath my armpits as I stumbled over to my wardrobe. Niall is sitting up on my bed, his hair left even messier from him continually running his fingers through it.

"I felt gross. You can take one too if you'd like." I shrug, yanking a knitted sweater off of a hanger.

Niall frowns, standing and moving over to me. I stay still as he takes the sweater from my hands, examining it before shaking his head.

"It's far too warm out for this, Shay."

I snatched the sweater back from his hands, gnawing on my lip.

"I'll just stay inside."

"I thought we were going to go to the park today? You know, to get to know each other more..." He reminds me, raising his eyebrows.

My heart sinks.

"I-I can't." I struggled to come up with a valid excuse of why I couldn't go out to the park today.

"Why not?" He frowns, fiddling with the heavy sleeve of the sweatshirt in my hands.

"Because, I-I just.."

"Shay..." Niall squints at me, closing the distance between us with another step. My back presses to the wall beside my wardrobe, and I realize he has me cornered.

"I don't have anything that fits." I look away from his piercing eyes, the blush spreading throughout my cheeks. I felt like I was so big and I felt like people noticed too. The only clothing I had that fit was sweaters and jumpers that were a little big on me to begin with. None of my summerish clothes fit anymore, I refused to even open my drawer of jean shorts.

I feel Niall fingers curl under my chin, and he angles my face up to meet his.

"It's okay." He tells me, keeping my eye contact for a moment before he steps around me and scans the interior of my wardrobe.

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