Chapter 5

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Daniel's POV:

I was waiting for Kacey to get out of the nurses office so I could bring him back to class. I can't believe Ein did that. How does the Alpha trust him? He's nothing but a jerk!

"Hey Daniel!" I turned around to see Y/N. "O-Oh... hey Y/N!" Why was my face heating up? I don't like her! Do I? It's not like she'd like me back. She's too cool for me!

"Katelyn wanted me to check on Kacey. How's he doing?" She asked. "The nurse wouldn't let me see him, but I'm sure he's doing fine." Just as I said that, the nurse opened the door. "Hello, Daniel. Kacey is doing fine, but he should go home. The impact he took effected him physically, but he should be fine by maybe next week?"

"Thank you. I'll head to class." I smiled. "Y/N! May I walk you to class?" What did I just ask!? All she did was giggle. "That was weird, but sure."

Dottie's POV:

On my way to lunch, Daniel and Y/N were walking to class together. Oh, they're just so cute! Daniel obviously likes Y/N, but I don't think she realizes that. She's strong and smart, but she doesn't realize things when it comes to boys.

"Dottie, have you seen that Daniel and Y/N have been getting a little closer?" Rylan asked. "Yeah, I have. They're cute together. They're both adorable little cinnamon rolls!" I squealed. "Oh yeah. If you call throwing someone out a window and fighting that same person, a cinnamon roll act, then yeah sure." He shrugged.

Love at First Bork {Daniel x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now