Chapter 35

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Y/N's POV:

I started to quickly pack for Love~Love Paradise. I gave Blaze, Dottie, Daniel, and Rylan the details and they said they can all come.

~Time Skip to when they get there because I don't know what else to write for this scene :3~

"This is so beautiful!!" Kawaii~Chan squealed. "I know!" I looked around, getting a sense of what the rest of the place looked like. "Isn't it just wonderful?" An unfamiliar, but cheerful voice called out.

Everyone turned around to see a dude who looked like a tour guide. "What the heck? Who are you?" Katelyn asked. "I'm the Guy!" He smiled. "Guy?" Aphmau asked. "Yes! I'm the GUYde!" He smiled.

"Was that a... pun?" Lucinda asked. "Haha! I can never take a vacation from them!" Everybody but Aphmau wanted to die. "You know, I like to resort to puns too!!" Aphmau giggled. Aaron then proceeded to put his hand over her mouth, because out of all of us, he hates puns the most.

"Fine. I'll stop." She frowned. "Good." We all sighed out of relief. "Well, let me show you all where you'll be staying!" He kept his cheerful voice. We all followed him. It didn't take long to get to our destination.

When we got inside, to the left there was a kitchen, which Kawaii~Chan immediately ran into. To the right, there were stairs to a living room, which Zane immediately ran to.

Then, in front of us were looping stairs leading up to the other floor. "Alright. So, since Aaron and Dante got the tickets for us, they should pick their rooms first!" Lucinda announced. We all agreed, and the rest of us just decided to chill in the living room.

Not long after, Dante came down to tell us we can pick our rooms. We all went upstairs and picked our rooms. I picked a room with a mini living room, and to the left, there was a huge bed surrounded by walls I could put my posters on.

I opened my luggage to find everything was jumbled up into one messy pile. Beside the posters that were neatly rolled into cylinders. I took the posters out and I put them up. The first one was of my F/B. (Favorite Band) The second one was of my F/M/A. (Favorite Music Artist) Then finally, the last one was of my F/M. (Favorite Movie)

"Looks like you're really moving in." I heard a feminine giggle. I turned around to see Aph at the door. "Yeah. I plan to unpack, take a nap, then take a walk around the resort. " I laughed. "Wow. You're really ready for vacation." She looked surprised. "Yeah. Every summer I go to a F/S (Favorite Sport) camp, so I never really go on vacation." I sighed.

"Really? I never really took you for someone who plays sports." Aphmau smiled. "Well I do! You play football, right?" (A/N | I'm British, so I call it football. A lot of you probably say soccer, sooo.. •~•) "Soccer? Yes. I actually beat Laurence, the team captain once." She smiled. "Seriously? Nobody has ever beaten him. That's what makes him the captain." I was shocked.

"Yep. I'm pretty good at it." She kept smiling. "Everyone's a mess!" Guy poofed. "Oh. Whoops. I meant to poof to the blue haired girl and the white haired boy. Well, I'll see you all later!" He poofed away. "What?" Aphmau and I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

Love at First Bork {Daniel x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now