Chapter 45

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Y/N's POV:

Today was the day we went back to school after the winter vacation.

"I don't wanna go back to school!!" Dottie complained. "You have to though! If I'm going down, you're coming down with me." I giggled.

"Why not take Daniel down with you? He's your boyfriend. I'm not!" Dottie sighed, dramatically.

"You're my sister though! Plus, it's only 6 hours. It's not like it'll kill you." I tried to convince her. It didn't work.

"It will kill me!! Since when will we use our knowledge of linear fractions in the real world?" She dramatically cried.

"I mean.. at least Blaze is going to be there." I teased. "Y/N!!" She blushed.

I was laughing until I felt someone pick me up. "Gah!" I exclaimed.

"Hey N/N!" A familiar squeaky voice giggled. "Daniel!" He set me down and kissed my cheek.

"HiT oR mIsS!1 i GuEsS tHeY nEvEr mIsS, hUH?" We heard a voice come from above.

I looked up at a tree to see red hair. "Blaze? Blaze! Come on down!" I crossed my arms as I laughed at his stupidity.

"Not until one of you finish the lyrics!" He teased. "Oh my Irene.. Fine!" I sighed.

"You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss ya." I said in the most monotone voice ever.

"Alrighty! I'm coming down!" He smiled as he jumped down.

Life is never boring when you're hanging out with these three.

A/N ~ Hey everybody! Author~Chan here! I'm taking over the writing of this book. Yay! But don't worry!! You probably won't be able to see a difference in the writing!


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