Chapter 8

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Y/N's POV:

"You WHAT?" Mom yelled. "I got asked to prom!" I smiled. "Does Dottie have a date?" She asked. "No, at least from what I know of, but she is going with Rylan. Unless he's asking June." I rambled. "Have I met this date of yours?" Mom asked so many questions. "Yes, Mom. My date is Daniel." I groaned. "Well, that's very nice, sweetie. Now when is the prom?" Why does she ask so many questions?!

"A week from now." I thought. "Ok. We'll go upstairs and do your homework." So, I went upstairs, but I didn't do my homework. I put my homework on my desk, jumped, and landed on my bed. "Y/N! Y/N!" Dottie barged into my room.

"What is it?" I groaned, feeling tired. "Blaze just asked me to prom!" I immediately shot up. "No way!!" I laughed. "Yes way!" Dottie laughed with me. "That's amazing!!" I brought her into a hug. "Hey, you're the one going with my best friend." She let go of the hug, but still held on to my shoulders.

"You're the one going with the alphas friend." I smiled. "Touché. Well, I'll leave you to sleep." Dottie turned around to leave. "Okay! I'll see ya later." I slightly closed my door and fell asleep.

Love at First Bork {Daniel x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now