Chapter 28

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Y/N's POV:

When I got into my room, I closed the door and went on my phone. I suddenly got a text from Daniel.

D - Daniel         Y - You

D: Hey Y/N

Y: Hey Daniel! What's up?

D: Well, I was hoping you could meet me at the park at 5:00

Y: But I just got comfy! Whatever, I'll be there!

D: Great! Thanks Y/N! ❤️

I wonder what Daniel wants. He obviously ask me if I could go to the park for a reason, right? Plus, what's with the heart he put at the end of his message? Is he hinting that he wants to ask me out on a date? 

No, Y/N. Stop thinking like that... He doesn't like you, and he won't like you. Just accept it. The problem is, is that I can't accept that he doesn't like me. I know a part of him does, and I know that I'll be able to like him too. I actually think I already do like him. No. I don't like him. I freaking love that cinnamon roll....

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I promise I'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter! ❤️

Love at First Bork {Daniel x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now