Chapter 34

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Get ready for a long chapter, boiz!

Y/N's POV:

It was the last day of school, and it was a VERY hot day. It sucked, because we still had to wear our uniforms. I bet the guys are dying inside their long sleeve shirts.

Today, I decided to put my ears and tail away. I actually looked like a normal human girl. "Y/N! Come on! Let's... Awwww!!" Dottie ran up to me. "You look so good as a human!!" She started to pat my head.

"Thanks?" I laughed. "No seriously! I bet Daniel will love this look!" She squealed. Thanks for murdering my ears.

"I mean, it's just the disappearance of my ears and tail. Is it really that big of a deal?" I asked. "Yeah! You look different, cute, and to be honest, I like this look." She giggled.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on. Let's go to school." I changed the subject. "Alright! I can't wait to see Daniel's reaction when he sees you!" Dottie grabbed her backpack and we went on our way.

"Hey! Y/N!" I heard a fairly squeaky voice call to me. "Huh?" I turned around to see Kacey running towards me, leaving Katelyn behind. "Oh! Hey, Kacey!" I smiled.

"Do you want to walk to school together?" He asked. "Of course. Is that cool with you, Dottie?" I turned around to her. "Yep" She said, popping the p.

"Awesome!! By the way, you look really good without your ears and tail!" He giggled. "Thanks." I laughed. "Oh. I mean... um... I meant it in a friendly way not..." Kacey blushed. "It's fine." I smiled.

"Kacey, you alright? You're only like this around Aphmau!" Katelyn chuckled. "I just said something, and it came out wrong." Kacey blushed more.

"Whatever, ya dork." Katelyn punched Kacey playfully in the shoulder. "Come on! We're going to be late!" Dottie warned. "Right. Let's go!" I told Katelyn and Kacey. "Alright!" They said in unison and smiled.

~Le Time Skip~

We finally got to school, and as soon as we stepped foot on campus, Daniel came up to us. "Hey Y/N! I... Wait... What happened to your ears and tail?" He asked. "I hid them!" I smiled. "Oh, well, you look really good!" He smiled back.

"Thanks." After that, it just got very awkward. Then, at last we were saved by the bell. We walked to our homerooms in complete silence. Nobody said a word.

"Y/N~Chan!! Kawaii~Chan has a problem! She accidentally turned Aphmau~Senpai into a werewolf, and... Y/N~Chan! What happened to your ears and tail?" She asked.

"I hid them. Now, what's happening? How did you accidentally turn her into a werewolf and why?" I asked sternly.

"W-Well... Kawaii~Chan wanted to turn Aphmau~Senpai into a meifwa, but she grabbed the wrong potion, and now Aphmau~Senpai's a werewolf!" She cried.

"Kawaii~Chan! Calm down! We can still fix this!" I explained. "R-Really?" She sniffed. "Yes, but first... let's get through homeroom." I laughed. "Alright!" Kawaii~Chan smiled.

~Le Time Skip Again~

The end of the final school day was close. Just 3 more minutes. I watched the clock. 1:52:47. 1:52:48. So on. "Hey Y/N. You're spacing out. Thinking about what you're going to do over the summer?" Dottie asked.

"Not really. I'm just kind of watching the clock tick." I shrugged. "Cool. What do you think you'll do during the summer?" She asked. "I'm not sure. I guess I'll just go with the flow." I shrugged once more.

"Ah. Cool. Well I..." The bell rang. Everyone was rushing out of classes to leave this hell. Especially the senior students. Everyone was pushing and shoving, but I wasn't in a hurry. I'll just wait until everybody clears the halls.

As the halls started to clear, I put my things in my bag and left. "Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. "Aph! Hey!" I turned around. I saw Aphmau with purple werewolf ears and tail.

"Y/N! Do you want to come to Love~Love Paradise with me and some other friends this summer?!" She asked excitedly. A/N I know Love~Love Paradise comes after they get out of school, but I'm going off of the story line :3

"Totally! Who's coming?" I asked. "Oh. Let's see.. So there's me, Aaron, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Lucinda, Garroth, Zane, Dante, and Travis. You can invite Dottie, Rylan, Daniel, Blaze, and other werewolves if you want!" She smiled.

"Alright! When are we leaving?" I asked one more question. "Tomorrow, and the trip is for the whole summer." She explained. "Oh! Awesome! See you tomorrow..." I wanted to know where we met. "At my house!" She giggled.

Well, looks like I have a lot of packing to do.

Love at First Bork {Daniel x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now