Welcome to Riverdale

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It was the Summer just before my Junior Year of High School. My Mother and Father decided it was a great idea to move back to Riverdale, Vancouver once my brother, Thomas, had gone off for College.

We'd moved into a small house that was painted bright red, the way my Mother has always wanted a house. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. It had a huge window right on the wall when you walked into the room.

Through the window I could see a boy with flaming red hair and he was strumming at his guitar while writing something down. When he looked up he smiled at me and waved my way. I did the same and the started to unbox things.

I was disappointed to see the red haired boy had gone away from the window. I sighed and then heard the doorbell ring. I walked down the stairs and saw my Mother had already opened it up.

"Hello, Mrs. (Y/L/N), welcome to Riverdale. I was wondering I could meet your daughter." I heard a male voice say from the door.

"Sure, why not?" My Mother laughed, "(Y/N)-"

"I'm here." I said, walking to be next to her.

"Hello I'm Archie Andrews," The Red haired boy said, "I live next door."

"I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I just moved here from Minneapolis, Minnesota." I explained.

"Sweet, I've heard the States are nice." He smiled.

"Yeah." I smiled back.

"Do you want to go to Pop's?" He asked me.

"Sure." I smiled.

"I'll pick you up in 5." He said. "Oh! And welcome to Riverdale."

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