Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe

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  So I hurried to get ready, and turned on some Beatles music. I sang along until my Mother walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. I looked to her and she smiled weakly.

"(Y/N)?" She asked.

"Yes, Mother?" I asked.

"I like that Archie boy." She smiled.

"I'm glad. Maybe we could be friends-" I began.

"Or more." She teased.

  Then the doorbell rang from downstairs and I looked at my Mother who looked at me smugly.

"I've got to go, he's here." I said.

"Okay, dear." She replied.

  I ran down the stairs and opened the door to see Archie just as he was before but he had changed his shirt. And dare I say it, he looked lovely.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I smiled and walked out the door with him, closing it behind us.

"So, (Y/N), I've barely met you, and I'm sorry for kind of pushing this on you. But Pop's is where everyone meets, so I figured you could meet some more people." He explained.

"That's nice of you Archie." I replied, smiling.

"So new girl at the beginning of the Summer." He joked.

"Oh shut your mouth now." I laughed.

"Seriously. You're going to have all the boys begging you to give them a chance." He replied.

"Oh me? I think you have the wrong girl." I laughed.

"As if." He said.

  I blushed and tried to hide it but the sunlight gave it away I'm sure. He blushed a slight shade of pink, almost as if he'd not meant for that to slip out of his mouth. Let alone his mind.

"There it is." He said, breaking the awkwardness of the moment.

  Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe was a building with neon lights and tinted glass windows. It was like something you would've seen in Grease. I looked at it and then was dragged through the door by Archie.

  I laughed slightly as we dove imo a booth by a window and sort of in the middle of the restaurant. As we came in I didn't hear the managers and workers talking about us.

"There he is, Archie Andrews. The legend and the great hero." The waitress whispered to the hostess.

"With yet another girl." The hostess rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but this one-I'm sure-won't be like Ronnie or Betty or even Cheryl." The red haired waitress smiled to both the girls.

"I believe that. She's going to be the one." A boy cleaning tables said back.

"Oh whatever." The waitress rolled her eyes and continued to wait on the table she was previously focused on.

Archie order two milkshakes for us both, strawberry for us both. We laughed over the fact that both of our favorite shake flavors were Strawberry. As we did, a girl with jet black hair started walking up to us.

"Hey Arch." She smiled at Archie.

"Hey Ronnie." He smiled at the girl.

"Who's she?" She asked quickly.

"Veronica, this is (Y/N) she's new in town. I brought her here in hopes of meeting some people." He explained.

"Cool." Veronica answered.

"(Y/N) this is my girlfriend, Veronica Lodge." Archie introduced us.

I felt a slight pang in my heart and it hurt to see them together in that light. And knowing now that I had to tiptoe around them. Dear God, that was going to be awful.

"Nice to meet you." I managed.

"Same." She said.

"You should meet Betty next." Archie smiled at me, noticing my discomfort.

"Who?" I asked.

"ARCH! RONNIE!" I heard a blonde girl squeal as she hugged them both.

"Betty!" Veronica hugged Betty and then Betty saw me.

"Hey! I'm Betty Cooper! What's your name?" She asked me.

"I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I smiled.

"I hope Ronnie didn't nearly scare you off. She has a serious case of RBF." Betty laughed slightly.

"I DO NOT HAVE-" Veronica began.

"Oh give it up Ronnie." A boy with a leather jacket scoffed.

"Jug, good to see you." Betty's confidence was soon gone.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Archie.

Archie gulped before answering and it was obvious. His eyes then met my (Y/E/C) and I felt a moment of freedom before the tension entered again.

"Jughead Jones."

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