Cracked Code

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We all returned to Archie's house and sat up in his bedroom together. For a few moments we were all silent. Then Jughead was the first to speak.

"So you think he isn't alone this time?" Jughead asked.

"I don't think he ever was Jughead." I sighed, "Look I know I just moved here, but I have a theory."

"Spill it then (Y/N). I think Polly's next and I need to have something to work off of here." Betty piped up.

"I think there are four of them." I said.

"That's nearly impossible (Y/N)." Archie said.

"Nearly is the key word in your sentence, Arch." Jughead rolled his eyes.

"My first theory is that Cheryl is somehow behind this." I explained.

"How?" Betty asked.

"She didn't like who Jason picked to have his kids with, so she killed him and then mourned like she didn't. She loved him, yes, but there was something more there. So when she discovered he'd technically cheated on her with someone else, she was angry. Resulting in his death and her addition to The Black Hoods." I explained.

"That would actually make perfect sense, if he were dead." Archie shrugged.

"He is. I looked in the bedroom next to the one we were in and he was murdered there." I cried.

"No, this is awful. Polly is going to be so sad." Better cried.

"Moving on now. He probably deserved it for knocking his cousin up." Jughead said.

"Can you shut it, Jughead?" Archie sighed.

"Okay what else?" Betty asked shooting them both a look.

"Second, I think Kevin Keller is somehow behind this." I sighed, looking away.

"Not Kevin!" Archie gasped.

"Kevin has always had a thing for you Archie. And he had to kill Veronica to get to you. But word didn't travel fast enough to him about what had happened between the two of you. So that party was his chance to kill the thing in his way of getting to you." I said, my voice aching to cry.

"Next one." Jughead said.

"My Brother has to be a part of this. There's no way he isn't. He goes to college literally an hour and a half away from here. There's no way he wouldn't get in on this to hurt Archie in case he hurts me. He killed Ms. Grundy to make sure Archie would find someone else, he had hoped it'd be me. It wasn't, at first. Now he's upset that Archie ratted him out." I explained once more.

"I believe that one." Archie said.

"Who else?" Betty asked.

"My Mother. She didn't have to kill anyone to be allowed into their circle. She just needed a story, and she knew Archie would tell me about my brother and the drugs at some point, so she used it to her advantage. Being in the circle she thinks she can save me, but she can't." I said, crying by now.

"Why wouldn't she be able to save you?" Archie asked coming to pick me up and lay me on his bed.

"S-She doesn't know that eventually someone is going to find something about me and kill me." I sobbed.

"(Y/N), I will never let that happen to you. I love you and I'd die before I'd let you die." He promised, holding me.

"You guys are cute. Makes me sick." Jughead spat.

"Whatever Jug." Betty rolled her eyes.

"We have to solve this mystery to save Riverdale." I said.

"How and when?" Betty asked.

"Check the tracking device on Polly's phone." I said.

"She hasn't left town yet. She's by that river when she met Jason." Betty smiled.

"Cute. Now this means we can save her. The Black Hoods are going to go after her tonight because they know she hasn't left yet." I explained.

"How'd you get so smart about these things?" Archie asked.

"The Solve Snapchat Story." I replied.

"Let's just go." Jughead rolled his eyes.

"You have pistols right?" I asked.

"Like...guns?!" Betty gasped.

"Any one of us could die tonight. We need to be prepared to put up a fight." I said.

"Let's go." Jughead said.

Once Jughead and Betty we're out of the room I turned Archie and we got up from his bed together. I looked into his eyes and I realized I was crying, and he was too.

"(Y/N) I love you no matter what happens." He said embracing me. I returned it.

"Archie, I've known you for three days but I love you too. And I will probably always love you." I smiled.

And then we kissed for what could possibly be the last time. I fell into those deep brown eyes and took in his scent. If I died tonight, I'd die knowing I'd met him.

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