Miss Riverdale

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  So it's now been a week since I moved to Riverdale, it's also getting close to The 4th Of July, so everywhere is all done up with banners and ribbons to represent America's Independence. I had gotten into a habit of singing and sometimes even in public.

"(Y/N)!" Archie snapped suddenly.

"What?" I replied startled.

"Veronica is having a Fourth Of July Party. She just posted the invite to the Group Chat." Archie sighed.

"Cool." I smiled a small smile and then looked away and saw Jughead look over his shoulder and smile at me.

"What's on your mind (Y/N)? You haven't been yourself recently..." Archie trailed off.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I answered quickly.

"(Y/N)-" He began.

"Attention everyone! Auditions for the next Miss Riverdale in a singing competition will be held tonight from 9-11 here." Someone announced from on stage.

"Veronica said something about doing that." Archie commented from where he sat.

"Well now you know two candidates." I smiled and rushed out of Pop's.

"(Y/N) are you sure about this?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"(Y/N) I'm serious." He grabbed my arm and I turned to face him only inches from his face.

"Archie, there's nothing to be scared about. It's a silly competition." I laughed nervously.

"Not to Veronica Lodge. She's been Miss Riverdale because of that singing competition for 3 years straight." Archie explained to me.

"Arch-" I began.

But before I could finish his lips were on mine. And for a moment everything just stopped, like there were no cars on the road, no clouds in sky, and no birds in the trees. But he pulled away quickly and I swore I almost saw the smile on his face.

"J-Just don't do it." He said and then ran to his house.

I stood there dazed and watched him run to his house. As I stood there, Jughead came walked towards me. What does he want now? I asked myself.

"Well, well, well. Seems I was right." Jughead smirked.

"About what?" I asked him.

"You two liking each other." Jughead said.

"You're full of shit, Jug." I rolled my eyes.

"So Miss Riverdale to be does know how to cuss." He smirked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and started walking home.


"Dumbass." I muttered and rolled my eyes.


So I didn't have the slightest idea what I would sing for the competition. It didn't matter that Archie Andrews has kissed me to keep me away from singing, I would do it. I was a rebel after all. Well, sometimes.

Anyway, I went through my records collection and tried to think of The Beach Boys and The Beatles but then it hit me. Everyone else would be doing those songs, so I had to stand out. Yeah, the 60s & 70s were groovy and great but the 80s was even better. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I rushed to go check it.

Are you doing the Miss Riverdale thing?

It depends. Are you asked for yourself or for Archie Andrews?

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