Fashion Emergency

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  I walked into my bedroom and over to my bed. I sat down and breathed out. I couldn't believe that had just happened. There was a lot to think about.

1) Archie and I could possibly be something more than friends

2) Jason and I were in a complicated spot

3) Cheryl was going to find out about the kiss Jason and I shared last night


4) Veronica was going to disown my ass

  I had been smooching with her new ex-boyfriend and she was going to be pissed. She'd seen it first hand, which made things worse. Just as I was thinking about my phone started to ring. It was Veronica's Ringtone.

"Hello?" I asked fearfully.

"I'm so happy for you!" She said genuinely.

"Y-You are?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just because Archie and I didn't work out doesn't mean you shouldn't get a chance." She explained.

"Wow, Okay." I smiled a little bit, "So you're not mad."

"Well I am a little bit, but that's natural. " She laughed.

"I'm really sorry, it's just you guys were dating and then things were complicated-" I started rambling.

"It's cool, I get it. You should come to my party tonight." She said cooly.

"We can talk about this then." I replied.

"Good idea. A beer and a good girl to girl." She agreed.

"Okay." I replied, relieved.

"Alright, see you tonight." She said and hung up.

That was easy. I thought, Too easy.

  I looked through my closet before realizing I had absolutely nothing to wear to this party. And it took me a minute to figure out why. Veronica had borrowed most of my skirts, cute crop tops and my ripped jeans because she had gone to Summer Camp for rich kids.

  So there was only one thing I could do. And only one person left to turn to. Betty.

"Best Friend Services, this is Betty speaking. How may I help you today?" She answered jokingly.

"Betty I swear to God." I muttered.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" She asked suddenly a bit worried.

"Veronica has all of my clothes and I can't get them back until tonight because she saw Archie and I making out in my front yard." I cried out.

"Girl drama." Jughead murmured from what sounded like a distance.


"We're actually at my place." He said, full smirk in his voice.

"Oh my god, did you guys-" I began.

"We can talk about this later." Betty said, interrupting with obvious embarrassment.

"Okay fine." I sighed.

"So do you need clothes?" She asked.

"Yes." I squeaked.

"Okay meet me at my house. Put some pants on Jughead." Betty called to Jughead.

"Do I have to?" He asked.

"For God's sake." Betty said, the eye roll in her voice.

"Bye Betty." I said.

"Okay bye." She replied and hung up.

So I rushed to Betty's house in the outfit I was currently in. If you're confused let me fill you in. If you wore what I was wearing right now to a party, you would be a disgrace.

"Oh God this really is a disaster." Betty said once she opened her front door.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I have the original Forever 21 Skirt Collection. And some brand new H&M stuff." Betty said as she racked through her closet.

"I'll take that one." I said.

"(Y/N), I don't know-" Betty began.

"Oh come on. I didn't even know you owned this." I laughed slightly.

"It's only for me." Jughead winked as he came to stand next to Betty.

"Ew. Leave." I said.

"(Y/N), take your shit and leave." Jughead rolled his eyes.

  I grabbed the crop top and skirt

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I grabbed the crop top and skirt. Betty looked at me concerned and then glared at Jughead.

"Thank You Betty!" I called before running to my car.

"Anytime!" She called back, "See you tonight."

Damn right you will. I thought as I drove back to my house.

I know this was REALLY long! 665 WORDS to be exact! Love y'all😘

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