The Black Hood

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  I was in Archie's bedroom, waiting for him to come out of his bathroom. When he finally did come out, he sat down on the bed next to me. I looked at him and then he sighed.

"It all began a couple of months ago." Archie said.

(Story Narrator POV)
  It had begun with Archie's Father, Fred Andrews. Therefore, it became personal business to find out who the attacker was. Soon after the shooting of Fred Andrews, there came the murder of Gerdaline Grundy, the music teacher that Archie had had a sexual relationship with, in Greendale.

Each of these seemed connected somehow, but Archie couldn't seem to know why. It was after this that Jughead found out and stopped seeing him. Next came the gun attack on Moose Mason and Midge Klump somewhere in Riverdale.

And finally the shooting of Robert Phillips in jail. Polly Cooper, Betty's older sister, fears being the Black Hoods next target. This is because every person who has been attacked had committed a crime or some type of sin. She leaves town with the unborn child of her and her cousin, Jason Blossom.

Everyone is still wondering who the Black Hood is. So that's why it's up to Archie and (Y/N) to figure out what the hell is happening.

  I couldn't believe this. That's why Jason was leaving. He had been hitting on me when he'd had Polly, who was pregnant with his kids. It made sense now.

"So do you get it?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"You look shook." He laughed.

"That's because I am. Why are all of these things linked together?" I asked.

"I don't know." He admitted.

"It's just too weird. This has to be a smart killer. Someone who knows what they're doing." I observed.

"Something tells me that he will attack within the next week. And it will be on..." He stopped and then looked to me.

"On who?" I asked.

"On us." He answered.

"Why us?" I gasped.

"Each person who has been attacked has sinned in some way. You kissed your cousin-" Archie began.

"He's not my cousin." I said.

"Okay...well all I know is I've cheated frequently and you've...well you've done something right?" He asked.

"I guess." I replied.

"What have you done?" He asked.

"What is this? Confession?" I asked.

"No, I just want to know what you've done so I can keep you safe." He smiled, holding my hand.

"Whatever. Fine. I have to say it?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Well...I had almost killed Thomas because he had killed our baby sister." I sighed, letting some tears fall.

"You had a baby sister?" He asked.

"She would've been a Freshmen. She was the daughter of our Mother and my Step-Father, our former Chemistry Teacher. He was angry because he didn't want anyone besides our Dad. He was 15. And he murdered a baby." I sobbed.

"(Y/N), you had every right to kill him." Archie replied angrily.

"No, I didn't. I shouldn't have even tried." I sobbed crashing into his chest.

"(Y/N), I love you. But I will always hate your brother. He left when things got bad." Archie said holding me.

"When things got bad?" I asked, looking up at him.

"My addiction was terrible. I started doing crazy things and I started staying up all night. Jughead was the one to get me through everything. He dragged my ass out of everything. But he reminded me who I was. He reminded me she was out there." He explained.

"Her?" I asked pulling away.

"My soulmate. Duh." He smiled, blushing.

"Thomas always said something about the same. He would say, 'When you meet him, I will talk with him and he will ask you to be his for the rest of your life. I will walk you down the aisle when Dad can't. And I will be there. I promise.'" I smiled.

"The same Thomas who got me addicted to Weed and Cocaine?" He asked.

"Yeah. Funny how he was there for me and was a good brother for me. But then for you he sold you drugs. He was supporting me and my family with that money, Archie. The $20 you slipped him each week paid for our school lunch each week. It helped us so my Dad only had to work 2 shifts before he died." I explained.

"(Y/N), I had no idea." He said.

"It was difficult, sure. But I had Thomas there for me. And now I have you here for me when he can't be here." I smiled.

"I'll have your back no matter what." He said.

Then he kissed me.

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