The Serpents

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"Oh will you all stop making a big deal out of the jacket?" Jughead rolled his eyes.

"Jug-" Archie began.

"Who's the girl?" Jughead got straight to the point.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I replied before anyone else could do so.

"A girl who talks for herself. Nice one Arch." Jughead smirked.

"Good God, Jug." Betty rolled her eyes.

"What's with the jacket?" I asked.

"You never heard of The Southside Serpents?" Jughead asked me.

"No...should I have?" I asked him curiously.

"It's a Riverdale thing. The Serpents are a Southside only thing. On the Northside they have good two shoes who wear letterman jackets and cheerleading uniforms." Jughead explained looking from Veronica to Archie as he said the last things.

"Jug, shut your mouth." Veronica advised.

"Whatever V. Anyway, we Serpents have a reputation. The jacket is like a Varsity Letterman." He explained, "Want to try out mine?"

"Yeah!" I smiled.

I took his jacket as he handed it to me. It was warm and smelled good. I looked at Archie, Betty, and Veronica. They all looked from me to one another.

"She could be a Serpent." Jughead smiled at me.

Archie and I had already finished our milkshakes and he left his part and I left mine. So Archie looked at me and I got the message.

"I have to get (Y/N) home." Archie lied.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket." I smiled and started to take it off.

"Don't worry about it (Y/N). Keep it for now." Jughead winked and then sent a smirk Archie's way.

"Thank You." I smiled, and blushed slightly.

"No problem, doll." He winked again and I left as Archie dragged me out of there by the hand.

"What the hell was that for Archie?" I asked, stunned by his actions.

"Jug doesn't give his Serpent jacket to ANYBODY. Not even Betty, and he's smitten with her." Archie furrowed his eyebrows in a confused manner.

"Arch, then why'd he give it to me?" I asked.

"He either wants something or he's just being a good guy." Archie tried, "Hand it over."

I handed him the leather jacket unwillingly. By the time he went back in, Betty and Veronica were gone but Jughead still remained.

"Arch? What're you doing back in here? Aren't you walking (Y/N) home?" Jughead asked innocently.

"Why the hell are you doing this?" Archie asked, throwing Jughead's jacket back at him.

"She's not taken. Is she?" Jughead laughed.

"Shut up, Jug." Archie ignored his comment.

"I know you like her. And if I know, Ronnie will know soon enough." Jughead replied.

"Ronnie is to never know. Besides," Archie began, "my letterman will fit (Y/N) just fine."

"Wait until Ronnie finds that out." Jughead growled.

"You wouldn't dare!" Archie growled back.

"Oh I would." Jughead smirked.

"Look, (Y/N) is just a friend." Archie sighed.

"But you wish she was more." Jughead smirked again.

"I've known her for less than an hour Jug!" Archie groaned and turned to leave.

"Okay. Okay." Jughead rolled his eyes, "One last thing!"

"What?" Archie turned around again.

"Isn't the name (Y/L/N) familiar?" Jughead asked.

"Utter one more word about her thug of an older brother and I'll murder you here and now, Jughead Jones." Archie growled getting terribly close to Jughead's face.

"Forget I said anything, Arch." Jug laughed nervously.

"Good." Archie stormed out of Pop's but smiled once he saw (Y/N).

As long as she didn't know about everything her brother had done, everything would be okay. And as long as Ronnie didn't know about (Y/N) and Archie's flirtatious actions, everything would be alright. And nothing would go wrong. At least that's what Archie thought.

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