She Ran Away

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The next morning I woke up next to Archie. I looked up at him and noticed he was already awake. I smiled at him and he smiled at me, then we kissed again.


  I looked at Archie and then I rolled over out of his arms to answer my phone.

Betty Cooper❤️

"Shit it's Betty. I didn't see at all last night." I explained.

"(Y/N), please tell me you're there." She sobbed.

"Betty, what's wrong?" I answered.

"It's Polly...she ran away." She sobbed again.

"Hand me the phone." Jughead sighed from off the phone.

"Betty, put Jughead on." I said.

"Okay." She sniffed.

"(Y/N)?" Jughead answered.

"Juggie?" I replied.

"It's bad." He said, it was obvious he was walking into the other room when the sobbing became softer and softer.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Polly ran away. I don't know how or when. But it was probably some time last night. And (Y/N)..." He stopped for a moment, "she's pregnant."

"I know." I replied.

"What?!" He said in shock.

"Jason told me." I said.

"He's the one who got her pregnant? Scandalous." He said jokingly.

"This is not something to joke about. I think I know why she ran away. Archie and I talked about this last night." I replied.

"Why is this happening?" Jughead asked.

"Not over the phone, Jug." I said.

"Meet is at Pop's in ten minutes." He said.

"Got it." I replied.

"My name came up. What the hell have I done now?" Archie asked.

"Nothing. We're meeting Jughead and Betty at Pop's to talk about Polly." I explained.

"In how long?" He asked.

"10 minutes." I answered getting out of the bed.

"I can't wait until we're married and you can just stay here." He smirked.

"Me too, Hotshot." I smiled, exiting the room.

I ran home and thankfully had two more outfits hanging in my closet. One was a pair of leather pants, a red leather jacket and a black shirt. The other was a black dress and a blue flannel to wrap around my waist. I slipped on the second one and put on my black combat boots.

"Ready?" Archie asked as I came outside. I intertwined my fingers with his and we walked down towards Pop's.

"(Y/N)." Betty cried as she saw me.

"Oh Betty." I said hugging her.

"Why is this happening?" Jughead whispered as we went back outside to talk about it.

"The Black Hood." I replied.

"Oh no..." Betty sobbed.

"She's afraid the hood will come after her." Jughead pieced it together.

"She committed a sin because she got pregnant with her cousin's children." Betty said.

"We need to find her before The Black Hood can really get to her." Archie explained.

"Well let's go." Jughead said.

  So with that we all started walking no where in particular. Then we all looked at one another after about 20 steps or so.

"What thebhell are we doing?" Jughead asked.

"Finding Polly?" Betty offered.

"Where are we going first?" He restated it.

"Let's head to Ronnie's. Nobody's seen her since last night. Maybe she'll help us." Archie offered.

"Agreed." I smiled.

  So we all started towards Ronnie's house. And as I walked with my small hand in Archie's much larger one, everything was okay. For that moment, at least.

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