That's What Friends Are For

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  I cried and cried and cried until there was no meakeup left on my face. My hair was falling out of its style and I looked like I'd been at a Funeral. My heart was aching and I couldn't stop thinking about what Archie had said.

  At that moment the door opened to the bathroom and I stopped crying for a moment to make sure no one would take empathy on me and save me.

"(Y/N)? Are you in here?" I heard Betty's voice ask softly.

"Oh my god Betty. Seriously. She's not anywhere else and she would've told us if she were going home." Veronica said, total eye roll in her voice.

"(Y/N)," Betty came over to the first stall.

"(Y/N), get your ass out of that bathroom stall right now." Veronica said beginning to bang on the bathroom door of my stall.

"I-I can't." I answered sniffing.

"Veronica stop it! She's visibly upset!" Betty said to Veronica.

"Shut up. She's a 17-" Veronica started.

"I'm 16, V." I sniffed as I opened up the stall.

"(Y/N), what the hell happened to you?" Betty gasped.

"Archie." I sniffed and smiled, a little embarrassed.

"My asshole of an ex boyfriend?" Veronica scoffed.

"WHAT?!" I yelled a little too loudly.

"I've decided it's time I moved on. I've been in a long distance relationship for a while now, but I just..." Veronica began.

"You didn't know if it was serious enough to be considered 'seeing other people'." I finished for her.

"(Y/N), they're about to call winners and you can't go out there looking that." Betty said turning to face me.

"Unless you have a bag of makeup we're done for." I replied.

"Easy. I always carry an extra." Betty laughed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." She laughed a little harder.

"Why are you guys even nice to me? Shouldn't I be some type of competition?" I asked them sniffing still.

"Oh, (Y/N). That's what friends are for ya know?" Veronica laughed a little.

"Thanks guys." I smiled at them.

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