Deep Conversations

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"Archie! Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine. I just advised Jughead to stay away from you." Archie explained calmly.

"Archie." I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"No punches thrown?" I asked.

"None." He answered.

"Fine by me then." I laughed and so did he.

"(Y/N) are you alright? You look cold." Archie commented.

"No, the wind just picked up. I'm just a little chilly, nothing to worry about." I brushed off how cold I was.

"(Y/N) take my jacket." He offered and I shook my head. "Seriously Sunshine."

I suppose it's time I explain my nickname. I'd always been called Sunshine because I was so positive about EVERYTHING. And my love for California and The Beach Boys had a major contribution to my nickname. And only select people could call me Sunshine. Archie was one of those people.

"Okay." I finally agreed and slid his letterman jacket over my shoulders.

"Do you want to go back to my place and grab my car? I'm sure we can drive around town-" He began.

"Actually, I've heard about this place where you can see the entire town from this one spot." I kind of blushed as I said it.

"Even better." He smiled encouragingly as we walked to get his car.

He owned a shiny red Ford 1954 model and we hopped in and drove immediately. We got to the place and sat in the car for a moment. He got out and I followed. We ended up lying on the hood of his car once it cooled down.

"So, (Y/N), why'd you come to Riverdale?" He asked me.

"Well, my parents decided it was better to live here than in Minnesota while my brother is in New York for College." I explained.

"Interesting." He commented.

"How'd you meet Jughead?" I asked suddenly.

"Jug?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"We've been friends since childhood. But last Summer we had a falling out." Archie explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"I cancelled our road trip last minute." He admitted.

"What could've been so important?" I asked again, prying now.

"You'd hate me if I told you." He laughed.

"Oh come on Arch." I pried even more.

"I had an affair with the music teacher at Riverdale High." Archie admitted.

"Archie!" I gasped.

"It was wrong, and I know that now. Ronnie doesn't even know. She'd kill me if she knew the truth. So please don't bring it up to her." He begged.

"I wouldn't have anyway." I commented.

"So, don't you know anybody here in Riverdale?" He asked.

"Yes, actually." I smiled slightly.

"Who?" Archie said looking my way.

"Cheryl Blossom. She's my cousin." I answered.

"How have you not heard of me then?" Archie laughed.

"She mentioned her friends but she never mentioned any names." I shrugged slightly.

"When was the last time you saw her?" He asked, turning on one side.

"When I was 13 and a half." I answered.

"Wow." Archie replied.

"We just never got along too well." I leaned my head back and sighed.

"(Y/N), Veronica wants to know..." Archie stuttered slightly.

"Arch," I looked his way, "if you love her do it. But if you're uncomfortable just tell her you aren't ready yet."

"Good advice. I feel like you could fix anything." Archie laughed.

"You're such a liar, Archie. I'm just as clueless as you are." I laughed with him.

"Do you want to drive home? It's been dark for a while now." Archie commented.

"Sure." I smiled.

  We piled in Archie's car and drove back to my place. I smiled and thanked him as he let me out. It had been nice having someone to talk to.

"Bye Arch." I waved.

"Bye Sunshine." He smiled.

  And I giggled as he drove into his driveway. For a moment I was happy. Then I remembered Veronica. And Archie's varsity jacket.

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