Body in the Bathroom

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As we climbed the hill to her house, we could tell the door was already open. From a distance we simply assumed someone had forgotten to close the door after her party. So we opened it and saw that there were streamers, confetti, balloons and red solo cups littered everywhere from the night before.

"VERONICA!" Betty called out.

"It's so just seems off..." Jughead commented.

   We all walked upstairs, Jughead getting his handgun out. Archie walked around in front of us and went into one of the bathrooms first. And there in the bathtub, Veronica lay unconscious-dead as you may be wondering-with blood all around her.

   Betty screamed, I looked away, Jughead looked shocked, and Archie didn't even know how to respond. So we stood like this for a moment until Archie regained composure and called the police.

   When they arrived at the house, they took her body away for evidence. I couldn't believe this. The Black Hood had struck Veronica.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you? Alone?" Archie asked me, dragging me into Veronica's dining room.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Veronica was murdered, I can tell." He whispered.

"What are we supposed to do about it then?" I asked.

"We need to investigate." He answered.

"With Betty and Jug." I added.

"Yeah. So let's go." He said.

"She's dead, Arch." I looked at the floor.

"(Y/N), I miss her too." He said, taking my hand in his.

Our fingers intwined themselves together as we headed back to the main entry way. As we did so each of our phone's buzzed. It was the same number, but different texts for each of us.

I know what you did that night. I know you almost did it to him. You can try to hide it, but I'm coming for you.

Your affair was the downfall of your reputation. And trust me when I say that those drugs didn't even help you play football any better. Who knows? You may be the next to end up like the one in the bathroom.

We all know about your affliction with The South Side Serpents. But it would be a shame if everyone knew about your relationship with Betty, and your past relationship. Be ready because you're next. Toodles!

Your sister was a slut and it's easy to see it now. Don't think I know how badly you want to get rid of (y/n) and that night you almost went through with it. Then Veronica stopped you. It'd be a shame for Jughead to find out...

"Did you get it too?" I said slowly.

"Yes, I think we all did." Archie breathed out.

"This changes everything." Betty blinked, nearly unmoving.

"He changed the entire game." Jughead added.

"He's not alone, Jug." I closed my eyes slowly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"He isn't the only Black Hood." I said.

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