I Need A Hero

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NOTE: (Y/D/#)= Your Dress Number

It was dark as I started walking over to Pop's and I had my record in my hand. It was old fashioned, I knew, but it was a guarantee that I wouldn't lose my music. I walked into Pop's and saw that couples were already together and there were girls hustling throughout to joint.

"(Y/N)!" Betty smiled and hugged me.

"Betty! So good to see you!" I smiled and hugged her in return.

"(Y/N), glad to see you came out." Jughead smiled as he passed by.

"Oh my god he's such a hoe." Betty whispered to me once he was out of earshot.

"Isn't he though?" I giggled in return.

"We should get back stage." Betty said.

"Agreed." I answered.

"The dress looks good." She smiled as we started walking.

I'd chosen (Y/D/#) and it looked fantastic. My hair was in (beehive, bun, or light curls) and my (Y/E/C) eyes were glistening as I looked in the mirror the manager had set up just behind the stage.

"Next up we have 3 time Miss Riverdale, Veronica Lodge! She'll be preforming Hey Jude by: The Beatles!" The announcer said.

No doubt that Veronica sounded angelic singing the classic song about a boy who's in love with a girl but is hesitant about telling her. But Veronica didn't seem to be having any fun with the song, it was just serious.

When she finished everyone clapped and I could hear Archie cheering his girlfriend on. I sighed and then looked at the sheet. Next up was Betty.

There was absolutely no one who didn't cry in the audience. Betty had a beautiful voice and she brought glory onto Bonnie Tyler's original song, Total Eclipse of the Heart. But she too didn't seem to be having fun with the song.

I was next. I breathed in and listened for the announcer to call me out. And it took a moment for him to comprehend it I suppose.

"Next is a newcomer, Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" The announcer called my name and everything went silent.

"She'll be preforming Holding Out for a Hero by: Bonnie Tyler." The announcer sighed slightly.

The music started and everything way all chill until I started to really get into it. I danced on the booth tables and walked away, with people cheering and just having a good time. And for a little bit Pop's was lively and energetic.

Veronica was smiling and dancing along, even though I was her competition. Archie just stared at me in shock, probably because I'd gone against his wishes.

"That was (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! The ballads are out! Please vote." The announcer said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"(Y/N), come here." Archie said to me.

"What if I don't want to?" I replied saltily.

"Come on!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to where no one could find us.

"What the hell-" I began.

"You went against everything I said!" He yelled quietly enough so no one would hear.

"Look Archie, I'm a woman. I do whatever the hell I want. Like it or not." I replied.

"(Y/N)-" He began.

"No." I replied.

"Look I need to tell you about Veronica." Archie sighed.

"What about V?" I asked.

"She's been seeing...other people." He answered.

"Doesn't surprise me." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you kissed me you cheater!" I replied, angered by his little cover act.

"(Y/N), you've been here a week. You don't know what I've been through." He said angered too.

"Fine, I guess I wouldn't you ass!" I yelled.

"Whatever! It's not like I actually ever loved you!" He yelled back.

"LIKE YOU COULD!" I screamed and ran off beginning to cry.

  I should've never trusted a boy with red hair and freckles. I should've never been fooled by his little Boy Next Door Act. I ran straight into the Girls Bathroom and was relieved to see no one was inside. I really needed a hero, especially now.

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