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The morning after I was awarded Miss Riverdale, I was awoken by the ringing of my phone. I picked it up and groaned when I saw the Caller ID.

Incoming call from 💘Archie Andrews💘

I wanted to ignore him, but I sighed and decided to pick it up. When I picked it up there was an awkward silence.

"Hello?" I asked after a moment.

"Hey." He said from the other side, his voice still had its morning huskiness.

"Why the hell are you calling me?" I asked him.

"Look, I know I'm an ass, but please meet me in front of your house once you're done getting ready this morning." Archie explained.

"Okay, fine! But only because I'm a good person!" I gave in.

"Thank you." He said reluctantly.

  I hung up and groaned as I got out of bed, besides the call from Archie, there was also a text from Jason.

Jason Blossom😍😘:
Hey. Congrats on last night. That kiss was amazing. So glad you're Miss Riverdale❤️

I sighed and then shook my head, what was I going to do? Archie vs. Jason and I was choosing Team Jason without even considering how many feelings I'd caught for Archie.

  God I hated being in a love triangle. Why me? And why now? Besides, Jason was my cousin. That was nasty. So, I tried to ignore my feelings towards him entirely.

  I settled on a gray crop top, ripped black jeans, black Converse, and my jean jacket, obviously. That jean jacket had been the one my brother had gotten back a long time ago, and he would never let me wear it. Something about how it was "a special symbol of a life I never knew".

  I walked outside and cried when I saw Archie standing there

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  I walked outside and cried when I saw Archie standing there. He held a huge bouquet of red roses and they were for me. He smiled at me and then put the roses down to hug me.

 He smiled at me and then put the roses down to hug me

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"(Y/N) I'm sorry." He said softly as he hugged me.

"Archie, there's no way I can accept these." I cried.

"(Y/N), don't cry you just did your makeup." He laughed and touched my face with his hand.

"Screw my makeup! You just topped my list of most favorite people!" I smiled and then he kissed me.

We stood there and kissed for a moment until we saw Veronica's car cruising by the house. I saw it and pulled away from Archie for a second. He let go of my cheek first and then my waist to turn around and see what I was looking at.

"Ronnie." Archie muttered.

She drove off in a haste and she was gone before we could do anything. Archie sighed and I did too.

"(Y/N), I love you. But-" Archie began.

"If you really loved me you wouldn't put 'but' into your sentence." I shook my head and turned to walk away.

"(Y/N), wait please." Archie begged.

I turned around and sighed as I looked at him. He was more beautiful than Jason Blossom, I had to admit. His brown eyes were soft and caring yet charming and romantic. He looked sweet and almost subtle just standing there with the bouquet by his side.

"Veronica is having her party tonight and I wanted to ask you to go with me." He said.

"Of course I'll go with you." I said running back to him and kissing him.

"Are you mad at me or...?" He asked, smirking.

"Shut up." I murmured and then kissed him again, holding him by his collar this time.

"I love you." He whispered as kissed me behind the ear.

"I thought you were a good boy, Archie." I said softly.

"You must not know me then." He smiled.

"I guess I will later." I smiled as he pulled away.

"I hope so." He winked and handed me the bouquet.

Wow, I thought, that escalated quickly.

It's funny because looking back on that moment, I now know that's how Archie is. He doesn't mean for things to move quickly, they just do.

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