The Party (Pt. 1)

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  I fixed my hair and makeup to look ready enough to face Archie as well as Veronica. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face Jason though. He had told me that he wanted to talk tonight at Veronica's party. But about what?

  I sighed and got into my car. My Mother was away on business and my Father has decided to go with her. So I was home alone, but Archie had agreed to let me stay with him at his place.

  As quickly as I could, I drove to Veronica's house and saw that several people were already there. Cars littered the street and loud music could be heard from inside. I climbed up the steps to her front door, I knocked and Veronica answered.

"Hey!" She smiled at me.

"Hey." I replied smiling.

"Come on in." She pulled me inside.

"You're house is so beautiful." I yelled over the music.

"Thank You!" She replied.

  She was dragged away by Reggie Mantle and she giggled as they ran off to somewhere. I saw Jason Blossom by the backdoor and wanted to run, but instead walked up to him.

"Hey (Y/N), can we talk?" Jason asked.

"Sure." I said, my mouth drying a little bit.

  We stepped outside where it wasn't so loud and it smelled fresh. I looked at him and he looked back at me. This wasn't awkward *at all*.

"(Y/N), it's about our relationship." Jason sighed.

"I'm so sorry Jason, I thought we could work out but we're cousins and-" I began.

"Not that relationship." Jason rolled his eyes with a small smile, "About us being cousins."

"Okay..." I replied.

"(Y/N), the truth is that we aren't cousins. We aren't even like, cousins twice removed or 3rd cousins. Nothing." Jason said.

"What? You're lying." I said in shock.

"The Blossoms wanted to seem more powerful by being 'cousins' with The (Y/L/N)'s. You and Thomas. But when you moved back to Minnesota it was clear your family wanted nothing to do with ours. And when you came back, well, I fell in love with you. But I was with Polly. She needs me, (Y/N). Besides, I know about you and Archie." Jason explained.

"I-I can't believe this." You stood in shock of a moment.

"I know it will take time to digest. But (Y/N) it's safe if you stay away from my family. They're insane, they're power hungry, and most of all they're jealous." Jason said.

"Jealous of what?" I asked.

"You." Jason replied.

"But why?" I asked.

"You made a life for yourself, you took from Veronica Lodge the way not even Cheryl could. You are more powerful because you are good. And (Y/N) they'll hurt you if you stay attached and associated with them. Just stay far away and make sure you keep Archie away from Cheryl." Jason said.

"Is Cheryl even your sister?" I asked.

"That's a question that will come around in time, (Y/N)." Jason said.

"Jason?" I asked as he turned to leave.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Please just," I said, "keep yourself safe."

"I promise." He said, and with that he kissed me one last time.

  I stood there, looking ridiculous once he'd left. What had just happened? I had known The Blossoms my entire life, and now Jason was telling me to stay away from them. But I'd always trusted Jason the most out of all of the Blossoms. He had told me the truth when no one else would.

  I walked inside and tried to hold it in. I couldn't cry here. I couldn't make myself vulnerable to Cheryl. Not here at least.

"(Y/N)?" I heard my name and turned around.


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