In The Night Pt. 2

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Hi bitch

    Betty looked at me, fear in her eyes. She showed me her phone and I covered my mouth with my hand. How could anyone dare call Betty a bitch? She was just about as far away from that as you could go.

"Give me your phone." I whispered.

She handed me her phone and I started typing out a reply just as spited as the one she'd received.

Guess it takes one to know one, Blossom.

Whatever you say, (y/l/n). Would be a shame for something to happen to your little boyfriend, now wouldn't it?

Just as I read it, there came a gun shot, and I heard Betty scream and Jughead come over to us. Archie rushed over and I looked at him, my eyes wide with fear. He grabbed both my hands and then hugged me. His phone buzzed, and I swallowed.

Archiekins. Quite a pleasant surprise to find out you could move on so fast. Especially with such disgusting excuse of a woman.

Aren't you dead?

Maybe, bitch.
Or maybe I'm not?
Guess you'll see when you get to the other side bb. Xoxo💋

"(y/n), it's her. No one would dare call me Archiekins except for her..." Archie said breathlessly.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Only Betty and Veronica call me Archiekins. Everyone knows that." Archie explained.

"Jughead." I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Give me the pistol." I said closing my eyes.

"(y/n), you'll get yourself killed-" Jughead began.

"Give me the damn gun!" I yelled.

And he tossed me the pistol. I caught up, twisted, came into view with two black hoods. I shot the first one I saw, and saw them fall over. The next one was down in the next moment. Then came two out of the forest. They revealed the other two black hoods: Kevin and my Mother?

I gasped and Archie stood up next to me. I had just shot two people I thought I loved. Two people I had trusted. He took the pistol and downed the next person, and there stood only one more, who surrendered.

The four of us started running towards the Black Hoods. Jughead called Sheriff Keller, and followed Archie and I towards the Black Hoods. Kevin's face was distorted in pain as he held the wound. My mother was passed out, but not dead, the bullet hadn't even hit her, but the trauma of the blow had.

Betty revealed the last Black Hood to be my brother, completely passed out, and hardly breathing. Jughead revealed the last one as an angered Veronica Lodge. I gasped and then began to cry.

"Veronica, why?" I asked, trying to hold it back.

"How could I not? You stole my boyfriend, you talked shit about your own brother who I was having an affair with mind you, and then you have the nerve to steal my damn title!" Veronica yelled.

"Where's Cheryl?" Betty asked.

"That bitch O.D.ed at my party. I killed her before she could find anything out." Veronica smirked.

"No..." Betty said in shock.

"Why Kevin?" Jughead asked.

"I didn't want to do it, but V-Veronica, ow, threatened to kill Jason if I didn't and I-I, *wheeze*, knew he meant everything to you, (y/n). I-I had to take care of you." He said through the pain.

"We would've gotten away with all of this had you not been a nosy little bitch and needed to know everything." Veronica glared at me.

"Leave her be, Ronnie. She saved Riverdale from you. She managed to protect me in doing all of that. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed when we found your fake body, which is gone already. We were all heartbroken for you, but you lied to all of us." Archie said, holding me close to him.

The police cars arrived taking Veronica into custody, and three ambulances took Kevin, my Mom, and my brother to the Riverdale Hospital. Archie drove everyone to the hospital and it was silent for a few moments. Betty was crying in the backseat with Jughead, holding her as she did so.

"(y/n), are you okay?" Archie asked.

"I think so. I'm just shocked." I replied.

Once we all came to the hospital, I was taken back by a Nurse to see my Mother. She pulled a chair up by my Mother's bed and she stepped outside closing the door.

"Hello darling. Whatever people have been telling you it isn't true-" She began.

"Oh no Mother. I saw you. I shot you. And I unmasked you." I said cutting her off.

"You know why I did it then I suppose." My Mother said.

"No, I don't understand." I said.

"You're adopted for God's sake, (y/n). Did you honestly think you were a (y/l/n)? No. That (y/h/c) doesn't run in our family. Your brother did his best to try to protect you and he protected himself by moving to New York for College. But (y/n), when we moved back here to Riverdale I was on a mission to take over this whole damn time. I killed your Father while you were at that party. I was going to kill Thomas before you discovered I was in the Black Hood gang, but you beat me to it. And I would've killed Archie too so that neither of you could fall any deeper in love." My Mother explained, grinning.

"You're insane. You're freaking insane." I said, getting up.

"Where are you going?" She asked, grinning.

"I've heard enough from you. You're insane, and clearly need mental help." I said shaking my head.

"(y/n)-" She began.

"No. Goodbye Caroline." I said, saying my Mother's real name.

     The nurse outside saw me and looked at me, giving me a quick hug.

"I'm so sorry. I gave my daughter up for adoption one time years ago. I just pray she never ended up with a Mother like that." The nurse said.

"Me too." I smiled at her.

"Also, what should I call you?" She asked.

"Mrs. Andrews please." I smirked.

"Well Mrs. Andrews, I apologize to say this, but your brother Thomas has passed away." The nurse said.

"N-No...not Thomas..." I said trying not to fall apart.

"I'll call Archie back here." The nurse said, leaving me to mourn my brother's death.

This has been so long awaited. I'm so sorry if it was terrible! Thank you so freaking much for 9,000 reads! It means the world! Xoxo, Sierra♥️

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