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"Laura sweetheart, are you up?" My grandma has been my alarm for the past twelve years. Today is my eighteenth birthday with one last official day of school to go! My grandpa who has been my rock passed two years ago on my birthday. It's been hard managing everything and trying to help my grandmay around the house. He was everything to me. He protected me when my mother wouldn't. I miss him so much.
"Yea grams. Getting dressed." I called back. I picked through my closet trying to decide what to wear. "Grams?"
"Yes dear?" She asked flinging my door open and sticking her head inside.
"Can you help me?" I asked pointing to my closet.
She chuckled and entered my room. She walked to my closet and scratched her silver hair thinking.
"Here. It's still brand new." She handed me a black mini skirt with a pair of red leggings and a black tank top. For the shoes she threw me my knee high black boots.
"You have some serious style grams." I chuckled giving her a hug and a kiss to the cheek. She flashed her dentures and chuckled.
"Hurry, or you'll be late for your last day."
I got dressed and threw my long brown hair into a loose bun. I kissed my grams bye then ran to school. I have a car, my gramps car, but with the school only five blocks away, I like to walk. It saves gas, which in turn saves money. Horton Valley is a small town so you can get pretty much anywhere on foot. The only major places we have is Horton mall, a McDonald's, and a grocery store. We do have a small movie theater and bowling alley. I've never been, since rumors spread about the bowling alley. Underneath it is suppose to be like a pool hall for all the bad people. We have like two major gangs in this little rat hole. Not sure why they'd rather stick around here and not go somewhere far away, but oh well. I hate violence, it never solves anything.
At the school entrance I was greeted by my best friend Chelsea. We've been inseparable since kindergarten. Her long blonde hair flows perfectly along her face. Her glasses sit perfectly on her thin nose. And her green emerald eyes, oh my.
"Hey girl! Happy belated birthday." She knows how much I hate this day, since my gramps passed, but she tries to make me happy. I just pretend to be so she'd shut up.
"Thanks." I mutter.
"Don't forget, later! We are attending a graduation party at the bowling alley!" Chelsea said smiling as she stalked off.
I walked down the hall and to my locker. The mean girl Bree walks over everyday to mess with me. She either pours milk in my hair, trips me, or pushes me. I never fight back, as I said I hate violence. Today she was no where in sight. That's a relief. Today's the last official school day, so we basically have a free day. But we are required to return our textbooks and anything else school related. I took all of my books from my locker and emptied it out completely. I had pictures of me and Chelsea, some of my gramps and my grams, and even an old one of me and my mom. I don't really remember much about her. I just knew my gramps took me away from her because her boyfriend abused me. I still had scars from where he cut me with a knife. I just don't understand why my mom chose him over her own daughter. My dad passed before I was born, so I didn't get the chance to meet him. He probably wouldn't be too happy with my mom right now, can't say I'm not either.
The bell rang making me jump a bit. The bells are still on the automatic ringer apparently. I went to all of my classes and returned my books. My last stop is the library. I had a book that I kept almost all year. It's about depression. The librarian looked concerned when I checked it out but didn't say anything. When I returned it she smiled at me.
"Did it help?" She asked still concerned.
"A lot. Thanks."
At three all the seniors are suppose to meet in the gym to get ready for graduation. We have to put out chairs for the class, and some extras lining the walls for any late comers. Parents get the stands, only if their on time. My grams was one of the first people to show up. That woman is never late. I walked over to where she is sitting and plopped down next to her.
"Are you excited?" She asked hugging me.
"I'm nervous. After this, what am I suppose to do?"
"Get on with your life. It's what your grandpa would've wanted." She kissed my head.
More people started pouring in through the doors. One person caught my attention. And I'm definitely not happy to see her. My mother. And oh look she dragged her boyfriend along. Or is it her husband now? I remember getting an invitation to her wedding but I ripped it up and threw it in the trash can. She was pulling him behind her towards my grams. I looked at my grams with questioning eyes, she smiled apologetically. So she invited her. I can't believe she'd do this to me. I felt shattered and betrayed. My grandpa would've never done such a thing.
I quickly got up before she got to close and ran to my seat sitting down. The names were alphabetical. Since my last names Jennson, I'm with the J's. Chelsea's last name is Bloom so she'll be close to the front.
We had to listen to the principal lecture us about the choices we make from here on. Also the valedictorian, Kimmy talked about life after high school, like college and professions. Finally they started calling names to get their diplomas. When they finally called my name I walked up and blew a kiss to my grams avoiding all eye contact with my mom.
The ending credits were a showcase of our pictures all through high school, at the end it displayed "good luck graduates." In big bold letters. When the whole graduation was over I met my grams at the door leading outside. She brought me in for a tight hug and kissed my head again.
"Your grandpa would be so proud of you." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. A hand squeezed my shoulder from behind which made me tense up.
"I'm so proud of you honey!" My mom said smiling.
I jerked away from her only to be grabbed by her husband.
"That's no way to treat your mother young lady." His grip was a little too tight. I swung around and kicked him between the legs.
"I'm not little anymore Ben! Don't ever touch me again, and don't you ever come near me 'mother'!" I screamed. Everyone in the gym looked at me like I was crazy and I ran out the door. My grams followed me outside.
"Are you ok dear?" She pulled me into her patting my back.
"Why did you invite her grams?" I said sobbing into her shoulder.
"I'm sorry honey. I thought it would've been a good thing. I'm so sorry." She started crying. We stood there hugging each other and crying until we both calmed down enough to look like decent human beings.
"I forgot to tell you, me and Chelsea are going to the bowling alley for the graduation party."
"Ok. Try to have some fun. It is your birthday after all." She kissed my cheek and got into her car to go home. I ran to car handing her my gown and cap before she left.
I turned and walked back to the front doors. Chelsea was suppose to meet me here after graduation was over, but she wasn't here, or anywhere. Where did she go!? I called her but she never picked up. My mom walked out of the doors finally, alone this time.
"Laura?" She said softly.
"What Kara?" I snapped.
"I deserve that. I'm sorry I wasn't a good mother to you." She sobbed. "But I'm proud of you."
"Yea, well little to late for that huh?" I asked huffing. I rolled my eyes and walked away when I finally seen Chelsea emerge. Chelsea's eyes darted from me to my mom.
"Is that-?"
"Yes, can we go!?"
I grabbed her arm jerking her with me. Chelsea flipped my mom off and started laughing at the face my mom made. Whatever it was must've been funny. But oh well, screw her she deserves the pain I'm putting her through.

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