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The sound of he bedroom door busting open and mark screaming woke me up, along with bran.
"What the hell, man!?" Bran yelled rubbing his eyes.
"Ben is gone!" Mark yelled completely shook.
"What of my mother?"
"She's gone too..." mark frowned.
This can't be happening. I felt the betrayal of my mother hit me hard, like I been hit by a car.
Bran reading the expression on my face wrapped me into a hug. "We don't know she betrayed us." He whispered kissing the top of my head.
"Who else would've had access to Ben, bran?"
"A lot of people. Mark check the cameras footage. I wanna know who the last person in there was!"
"You got it boss."
I hid my face in brans chest trying to gather every ounce of courage and calm I could muster. Life was getting harder to bare. I didn't know how much more I could take.
"We will find her and Ben. I promise." He muttered not letting me go. "No one will hurt you."
At least that made me perk up a bit. Bran was basically my knight in shining armor. He has been there since he first saw me in the alley getting beat up by Ben. I'm glad he was there when he was, or I probably wouldn't be here today.
"I love you--" I jerked my eyes up and shook my head. "Sorry, I'm tired."
"No, it's ok." He kissed my lips softly. "I love you too."
He laid me back down on the bed and covered me back up kissing my head and my lips. He walked from the room putting his phone to his ear. It was late at night; 2 AM precisely. So I tried to calm my anxiety down to hopefully fall back asleep. But I didn't see that happening until bran returned.
When the door swung open, I was hoping to see bran. But instead I got sunny.
"Hey sugar." She chuckled lunging onto the bed. "Orders to stay with you. Bran has to meet Jerry."
"Hey ladies." Lisa busted in lunging herself down too. "What? Might as well be a sleep over." She chuckled.
"Fine, but I want cuddles. Lots of cuddles!" I ordered.
They laid on both sides of swinging their arms over me to the other. I snuggled in and got comfortable. My eyes fell heavy and fell asleep between my two best friends.

I was barely awake and I heard snickering and whispering coming from the door.
"Their so cute." I could hear Mark laughing.
"Take a picture." Bran snickered. "Memories."
The shutter of the camera woke all three of us up sending pillows flying towards the boys in the door way.
"Pervs." Sunny groaned lowering herself back down on the bed.
"Well, we couldn't join. So, we have photo proof of your affairs." They both laughed.
"I'm leaving. Breakfast is calling my name." Sunny gradually rose to her feet elbowing bran and mark on her way out.
"Girl, me too." Lisa laughed jumping up. "Gotta feed this kid." She pointed to her stomach.
She pulled Mark by the ear down the hall making me laugh. Bran sat at the foot of the bed and just watched me contently.
"You not hungry?" He whispered.
"Not really."
"I'm sorry I left earlier. I had to meet Jerry and tell him what was going on. We got back and crashed in marks room considering my girlfriend and my bed was taken." He laughed a little. It was nice to know I was still brans after leaving the way I did.
"It's ok." I assured him. "Duty calls."
"Pretty much. I'm glad you understand."
I scooted closer to his side and laid my head on his shoulder releasing a sigh. "I don't know what'd I do without you."
"You ok?"
"I'm fine. I just get caught up on thinking of my grams sometimes and I miss her."
"I know babe." He frowned grabbing my hand. "But she's always with you. Right here." He pointed to my chest where my heart is.
"I love you, bran. Like so much it hurts."
"How does it hurt?" He raised his brow.
"Like I want to be attached to you, my heart hurts when you're gone. It's hard to explain."
He chuckled a little before kissing me on my unbrushed teethed mouth. "I love you so much Laura Jennson." He said between kisses.
He laid me on my back and crawled over top of me.
I fiddled around a bit before finding his belted jeans. Undoing his belt I undid his pants hinting I wanted them off.
He stopped kissing me to look at me worried. "Are you sure?" He asked before going any further.
He helped me slide his pants off, leaving him in his boxer briefs. He planted small kisses on my neck before taking my shirt off. Then I removed his and tossed it across the room.
He gently but slowly worked his down to remove my pajama bottoms throwing them across the room.
It's not the first time we slept together, but this was the slowest, gentlest time yet. I loved how he cared so much to be afraid I'd break like a porcelain doll.

I laid curled up on brans chest panting. I didn't think going slow would take so much out of me. Maybe I was breakable. But I wasn't afraid of brans touch.
Bran had his arm splayed under me with the other gripping my bare boob. His beautiful eyes were closed. He looked peaceful, happy even.
"Quit staring, creep." He laughed with his eyes still closed.
"I'm not staring." I laughed pushing him gently.
"I feel your eyes. If you want round two then give me a minute." A small smile played on his lips. I couldn't help but kiss him.
"I love you." I whispered softly in his ear.
"And I love you." He smile widely pulling me closer to his side.
"We still have to go find Ben an my mom."
"Later. I want more time alone with you." He grumbled.
I didn't argue. I actually agreed. I love spending time with bran, when it was just the two of us. I never really had a serious relationship, and this seemed serious. At least as far as I could tell. I hoped it was. But still, you can never tell until someone breaks the others heart. I knew I'd never do that to him, but would he do it to me?
I let out a sigh, I tried to be quiet but he felt my chest rise and fall along with my silent breath.
"What's wrong?"
"Just thinking." I shrugged my free shoulder.
"About what?"
"Us. This."
"What about?" He shifted to where he leaning up on his elbow staring down at me while rubbing my arm.
"Is this- I don't know... serious?"
"Do you think so?" He laughed a little.
"I mean- do you?" I rolled over to my side looking up at him through my lashes. I felt embarrassed for even bringing this up.
"Laura, I'm in love with you. Of course this is serious..." he had a slight pause "but do you want this to be serious?"
"Well, yea."
"Then its settled. You're my girl. Until you decide otherwise."
"Or you decide otherwise..." I frowned.
"And believe me when I say, I'll never decide otherwise." He pressed my mouth to mine before laying back down beside me.
He has no idea what he does to me. I'm in complete utter love with him. And falling even more, which I thought was impossible.

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