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Everyone has been running around frantically all day trying to find some answers. I can't blame them, I wanted answers too. Did she release Ben? Did she betray me... again? Why? I couldn't focus enough to actually work out like I was supposed to. I kept doing sit-ups then stopping to stare at the wall until Sunny snapped her fingers in my face every time.
"Snap out of it." She said waving her hand in my face. "What's wrong with you?"
"About what?"
"Stuff. Mostly my mom." I frowned at the ground trying to avoid eye contact.
"I'm sure we will find some answers." Sunny tried to be reassuring but her collapsed smile made me think otherwise.
"What if she..."
sunny held up her hand to stop the thought from escaping my lips. "Don't."
"But what if she betrayed me?"
"Then you know the answer."
"Kill her..." I let a frustrated sigh escape from my throat.
I wish bran was here to tell me it'd be ok, but when we got up finally he and mark left to meet Jerry. They'd be with him all day.
Lisa was sitting against the wall with headphones in not paying attention to the conversation I and sunny had. Lisa is a big ball of hormones at the moment due to being pregnant, so I'd like to avoid her moods at all cost.
I got back to working out with sunny the best I could. She tried to keep me moving so I'd stay focused. We sparred a bit and threw a medicine ball back and forth moving up to each weight until our arms were tired. Afterward, we turned on the music and just had a ball in the gym. Lisa turned off her music and joined us. I really miss chels at times like these. I wondered what she was up to... maybe having fun somewhere or maybe she moved like she said she was going to do.
The day passed in a blur. I was in the kitchen eating dinner when bran and mark busted through the door panting. They slung themselves on the couch and kicked their feet up. They didn't say anything or acknowledge anyone else in the room. Whatever happened, wasn't good at all.
"Uh, you guys ok?" Sunny asked looking between the boys concerned. One good thing about sunny? She wasn't afraid to speak up.
"Fine." They both said waving her off.
I looked at sunny and Lisa and shrugged. "I'm going to take a shower." I waved walking up the stairs towards the bathroom.
I grabbed my bathroom bag from the room and entered the bathroom turning on the warm water. I dug through my bag pulling out my tampons. It hit me hard and I dropped my stuff running into the room to grab my phone. I had to check my calendar. I always kept up with my cycle and when it was happening. And I was never wrong. I dropped my phone on the bed heaving a sigh and trying to fight off tears. I was late. This isn't good.
"You ok?" Bran spoke from the door.
I was wrapped in just a towel. "Yup... good." I give him a half-smile and a thumbs up walking back to the bathroom shutting the door.
I dropped my towel and stepped into the shower letting the warm water coat my body and head. I wasn't paying much attention until hands wrapped around my waist making me jump.
"I didn't mean to scare you," Bran whispered kissing my shoulder.
"I just didn't think you'd follow me to the shower." I tried a laugh.
"Seriously. What's wrong baby?" His voice was pleading for an answer.
"It's nothing." I tried to sound confident but I failed miserably.
He turned me around to face him lifting my chin to look at him. "Tell me." He frowned.
I took a deep breath then released it before speaking. "My periods late."
"How do you know?" He raised his brow.
"I have it marked. I'm never wrong."
"So you think maybe you're pregnant?" He tried not to smile.
"Maybe." I shrugged.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I don't know..." I laid my head on his bare chest.
"I don't." He chuckled a little bit wrapping me into his arms.
"I love you. And I'd do anything in this world for you. If that means we have a family then so be it. You're my world." He kissed my head making me smile like an idiot.
"Maybe I should test first or wait another week..  just to be sure."
"It's up to you. But you'll end up pregnant eventually." He laughed before kissing me.

Shower sex wasn't exactly a thing I'd planned on experiencing, but with bran, I'd experience a million things over.
Bran was this perfect boy, while I was less than perfect. I wasn't normal, but I wasn't overly normal either. I was a dork, a nerd. A loner to be more specific.
Bran saw past all of that and fell in love with me anyways. I'm pretty fucked up and he didn't even care. Maybe we were a perfect match. I tried to get him to talk about what was going on but he shrugged it off and said we would talk later.
Whatever it was obviously wasn't good. He won't even tell me! I'm appalled! I told him I might be pregnant and it didn't even phase him. It's like he's not even afraid of anything. One of the many reasons I love him.
"Go to bed." He ordered. "I have to talk to Mark." He stuffed his phone in his pants and stalked out the door.
Something was definitely up, or he was cheating on me. That I wouldn't be surprised about at all.
Every relationship was cheating or abuse. I want to think bran was different, but part of me goes back to him being a gang leader and possibly a massive playboy. And maybe all he wanted from me was sex.
I had trouble falling asleep with all the alternatives on my mind. It was making me anxious. I tossed and turned finding new uncomfortable positions. Still, I couldn't fall asleep.
I finally had enough and walked downstairs turning on the television and channel surfing until I was satisfied with some old-time cartoons. I even grabbed some snacks and a drink. I even debated taking my medicine just so I could sleep, but quickly decided against it. I guess until I get extremely sleepy, I'll just sit here and watch cartoons and eat.

"Laura." I felt his hands shake me. "Baby, get up."
"What time is it?" I groaned.
"Two in the morning." Bran chuckled. "Come on."
"I'm fine," I grumbled closing my eyes.
I felt his arms lift me up and carried me upstairs to bed. I felt his side dip down with his body and his arms wrapped around me pulling me into him.
I moaned a little bit making him laugh. "Goodnight baby. I have a surprise for you."
That was the last thing I heard before blacking completely out.

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