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When the doctor lady appeared the next morning I couldn't help but ask her,
"Who is Bran? He said I'd figure it out, but I'm having a hard time. I don't know him."
She chuckled lightly. "Everyone knows Bran."
"Well I don't. So help me out?"
"No can do. If he wants you to figure it out, then you have to work on it yourself."
She shook her head. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I can't help you." I left it at that. I'll have to turn to the internet then.
"Do you have Wi-Fi here?"
"Yea. Here's the password." She wrote it out on a piece of paper and handed it to me.
I typed in Bran. Nothing popped up.
"Does he have a last name!?" I said sounding annoyed.
"Can't tell you that either. Good luck." She winked and chuckled leaving the room. Why can't anyone help me!? Might as well call Chelsea and my grams so their not worried.

Later in the day, still nothing on Bran. And I mean absolutely NOTHING! I'm getting annoyed so I threw my phone on the ground. Bran walked into the room after hearing the clinking on the floor.
"Uh, you ok?"
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Silent treatment?" He chuckled.
"No one can tell me who you are. And it's annoying. You asked and said I'd figure it out, but I just can't!"
"Maybe your looking in the wrong place?"
"Internet knows all."
"Not everything. But I know a lot about you."
"Can't say until you figure it out. I'm surprised you don't know me, everyone does. I'm kind of hurt." He frowned sarcastically. "Ok, you're Laura Jennson, daughter of Kara Jennson. Your father passed before you were born. Your grandparents took you from your mom when you were five, right?" My mouth fell open. How the hell does he know all that!?
"Then the least you can do is tell me who you are?" I nudged.
"Nope. But good news, you get to go home tomorrow." Great! I talked to my grams, and as far as she knows I've been with Chelsea. So I had to tell Chelsea to cover for me. All I told her was that I needed to be alone, she asked no further questions but agreed to cover for me. When I turned my head to look at Bran, he was fast asleep on the couch where Sunny had been. Maybe when I go home, someone can tell me who he is. But I'm not holding my breath. Maybe my grams will know. I will call her in the morning and let her know I'm coming home, and when I get there, I'll ask her about Bran. Hopefully she can give me some answers.
Before I was about to shut my eyes, Sunny burst through the door choking on air.
"Boss! Get up!"
Bran shot to his feet in a hurry. "What happened?"
"I-I-its Luke. He was shot."
Brans eyes fell to the floor then looked at Sunny, his face turning red. "Stay here with her."
Sunny nodded and moved to sit on the bed at my feet, she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them and buried her face. She was trying to hold back a sob. I sat up and placed my hand on her shoulder, avoiding the pain in my stomach.
"Are you ok?"
She snapped her head towards me looking big shocked and confused. "I'm fine. How about you?"
"Could be better."
"Your not gonna ask about what happened?"
I shrugged. "I can tell you don't wanna talk about it."
"You're a good person for that." She sighed. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me. I was almost dead, you all saved me.."
"No, Bran did that. I just looked after you..who did that to you?" She asked pointing to my stomach.
"Long story.."
"I have time, if you wanna talk."
Why not try to make a new friend? So we sat there for hours. I told her about my mom, her psycho boyfriend and my grandparents. She sat there and listened contently. I hardly knew her, but I felt like I have known her my whole life. She told me what happened couldn't be explained. The less I knew, the better off I would be. But she give me her number and told me to call her if I needed anything. Like if I needed someone to vent to, shop with, or even someone who understood being abused. She came from a family that didn't really care about her. Her mom and dad both abused her, nearly killed her. The day they thought she was dead they dumped her in the alley by the bowling alley. She was only sixteen at the time. One of Brans friends found her and brought her here. She's been here for two years.
"I heard the day you got attacked was your birthday?" Sunny asked half smiling.
"Was. But I hate my birthday." I frowned.
"Why?" She raised her eyebrow confused.
"My gramps died that day....two years ago."
"Oh....I'm sorry to hear that." She frowned. I never thought I could make a friend in a place I've never been. But I liked it. Sunny made me feel a lot better. I'd be sulking at home and avoiding my grams at all cost.
"Lay down. Get some go home tomorrow." She tucked me in and strolled over to the couch and fell over.
I fell asleep pretty quickly. I was exhausted.

The next morning Sunny was gone, replaced by Bran. He was fast asleep. I picked up my phone dialing my grams. No answer. That's strange, so I tried again. Still nothing. Shortly after I gave up, a video message came through my phone. An unknown number. Thinking it might've been one of those annoying chain mail things I hit open. My grams was tied up and being beaten by someone in a ski mask. The person in the mask brought a gun up to her head. He looked into the camera. "This is for being a bad girl." He kissed the camera and shot her. The light that once filled her eyes, now lay dark and dim. I screamed and threw my phone. I ripped the IV that was still attached to my arm straight out, ignoring the pain the ripped through my stomach and now my arm, I ran. I was headed in the direction of home. I needed to know if she was really gone, or if the video was just a sick joke. I heard voices calling for me from the mansion I was in, but I didn't care. My feet kept going. Please be there grams. Please don't leave me. I need you.

It was a shorter run than I'd thought. I ran for maybe fifteen or twenty blocks. When I made it to the gate my grams car was parked out front. Thank god! I thought. When I dished for the extra key that was hidden in the flower pot on the porch, it was gone. The door was ajar, so I opened it. The inside looked like a tornado struck. Lying lifeless in the kitchen still tied up was my grams. I ran to her and tried to feel for a pulse or any sign of life. There was nothing. Her skin was as cold as an ice cube. I picked up the phone quickly dialing 9-1-1.
"Hello emergency dispatch, what's your emergency?" The woman on the phone said.
"Please send someone. My grams...she's....dead."
"Do you know what happened?"
"I got sent a video..." shit the video! It's still at Brans.
"A video? Did you save it ma'am?"
"N-no, I lost my phone."
"Where were you when you received this video?"
"I was at a house..the owners name I think was Bran."
The woman fell silent for a moment then came back on. "Police are on the way."
I quickly hung up the phone. The paper Sunny had written her number on, it was scrunched up in my pocket. I pulled it out and called her.
"Hello?" Her tired voice came over the phone.
"Sunny! It's Laura...I need your help."
"Y-Yea. I'm at my house, I need help." I was on the verge of crying.
"What happened?" There was shuffling in the background so clearly she was up and alert.
"Someone murdered my grandmother. My phones in the room there, there's a video." I tried to stay calm but I knew I'd lose it and soon.
"I'm on my way." She rushed and hung up.
I dropped down on my knees and screamed as loud as I could hoping my anger would take over.

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