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"It's not your time. My sweet girl, we love you. We are always with you." My grams silver hair shined in the bright light. My gramps perfect white teeth shining in his mouth.
"Don't leave me again!" I begged.
The light was fading along with my grandparents. Erratic beeping started and my eyes slowly opened to a bright room.
"Oh, my sweet girl." My mom sobbed squeezing my hand.
"Mom?" My voice came out as a whisper. "Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital, my love. You've been in and out for a few days." My mom sighed wiping her tears. "Why would you try and kill yourself?"
"I can't take anymore." I fought back the tears which threatened to spill. "I'm so tired."
"Then don't fight, rest." My mom nodded. "But you can't leave me."
"Dinners here. She awake?" Sunny chirped.
"She's up, come on in." My mom sighed releasing my hand.
A bunch of gang members walked through the door with balloons and flowers. Not what you'd expect, but it meant they all cared. I didn't see bran anywhere though not even Marla.
"Hey, girlfriend." Lisa smiled leaning down to hug me. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit by a truck." I frowned sitting up.
"We have amazing news," Lisa said flinging her hands up.
"What is it?" I groaned.
"Marla is gone. Bran kicked her ass out and told her to never come back or ever contact him." Lisa chuckled. "She was devastated."
"Then where is bran?" I cocked my head scanning the room.
"Oh, he and Mark had some business to take care of. But he will be here later to check on you." Lisa smiled.
"Thanks for coming." I managed a small smile.
"Anything for family." Lisa nodded. She leaned down to my ear and whispered "and another thing, bran has been crying for days. He's really upset and not taking what happened to you lightly."
"Is he mad at sunny?" I whispered.
She shook her head no. "He's upset with himself for not choosing sooner. He feels like this is his fault."
I frowned at the thought of him beating himself up over this. And I probably made it worse by trying to kill myself. Stupid, stupid Laura.

Everyone hung out for a few hours until it was time for them to clear out. My mom vanished completely.  And bran walked through the door with roses and a teddy bear.
"How are you feeling?" His eyes were red and puffy.
"I'm fine," I assured him. "I'm sorry."
"For what? This isn't your fault Laura." He sighed sitting in the chair beside me. "It's mine. I should've done something sooner, I don't know why I couldn't."
"I do," I whispered grabbing his hand. "It's the good in you."
"I fell for her lies, I know I was wrong." He sighed. "I should've made her leave long ago."
"Come here." I patted my bed and moved over for him to lay next to me.
He climbed in and put one arm around my shoulders pulling me closer. "You have no idea how much I care about you Laura Jennson." He let out a sigh and kissed my forehead.
I should be scared of a guys touch right now, but it was different with bran. He didn't want to hurt me. I trusted him.

I didn't know I was so tired, I woke up to bran still laying beside me. He was asleep himself. I didn't want to wake him, but he felt me moving around.
"You ok?" He whispered leaning forward.
"I'm ok." I half-smiled. "What time is it?"
"Midnight." He chuckled. "You fell asleep on me, I didn't want to wake you so I stayed."
"Sorry." I groaned.
"Don't be." He laughed. "You're cute when your sleeping."
"Has my mom came back in?"
"No. She's been gone all night." He sighed. "The nurse came in though. They're going to release you tomorrow, well later in the morning."
"That's a relief." I sighed. "I don't like hospitals."
"You can come back upstairs... with me." He shrugged.
"I'll think about it." I nodded frowning at the bed.
He didn't say anything else after that and sat back on the bed throwing his arm back over my shoulder. I think he understands I just need time, more now than ever. I turned the tv on to the news, it was airing a missing person. The same guy who raped me at the club. Bran looked amused like he'd accomplished something. I didn't want to say anything, but his look just confirmed he had something to do with this guys disappearance. Could've been the important business he needed to take care of with mark. He did this for me.

I didn't sleep much after watching the news reports about the guy from the club. But I didn't want to say anything to bran and be wrong. But deep inside I knew he did it. He just wanted to protect me. That made me happy and terrified of him.
"You need to rest for a few days. You have a bruised pelvic bone and you were tore. So just relax let your body heal and the stitches will resolve on their own." The doctor instructed before leaving the room.
"Ready?" Sunny busted through the door smiling.
"Almost." I nodded.
"Excuse me, ms. Jennson." A big bald man walked through the door in a tuxedo and a badge. "Detective Barnes, I have a couple of questions about the disappearance of Noah Belle."
"I'm not sure how much help I'll be detective." I shrugged sitting in a chair. "I was here for a few days."
"We know, but you could've hired someone." He shrugged crossing his arms.
"Actually she couldn't have," Bran said leaning against the doorframe. "She was in and out of consciousness."
"And you are?" He asked pointing to bran and sunny.
"I'm her boyfriend. Bran, that's her sister sunny." Bran responded calmly.
"Have you two been here the whole time?" The detective asked.
"We are in town visiting my godfather. I have a hotel here that I own personally, a hand me down from my father." Bran nodded. "But I've been here, sunny has been with their mother."
"I see." The detective nodded. "I'll be checking for alibis."
"Please do." Bran nodded. "My godfather is Jerry King."
The detective got a weird look on his face at the name and nodded his head before walking away.
"He knows him doesn't he?" I asked looking at bran.
"Everyone does," Bran smirked to himself. "Not wise trying to take on a mafia king."
Bran grabbed my bag and helped me outside to the car. We were o our way back to the motel. And still no word from my mother. Where could she be?

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