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My phone beeping like crazy woke me up from my nap. 'Come upstairs.' From bran. I sighed and got up slowly. I don't know what this is about but I have to go. My mom wasn't in the room, neither was sunny. Maybe they were upstairs.
I took the stairs since they were faster and not crowded. I knocked a couple of times before Sunny opened the door motioning for me to enter. I sat at the Long Island table away from everyone else.
Bran started talking. "Everyone's here. Good. Let's get started." He stopped and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I've never seen him look like this. It broke me. "We are executing Ben... tonight. Also, we are taking votes about Marla."
"Seriously? Votes?" My mom scoffed. "That's you growing a spine?"
"Mom, it's fine. You all know my vote. But now I'm laying an alternative down. She goes or I do." I grabbed my phone from the table and walked to the door.
"Hey," Bran whispered running after me. "Why do you want to leave?"
"I don't." I sighed kicking the floor with my shoe. "I just can't be around her. You obviously can't let her go, so it's me or her. Because I'm done."
"It's complicated." He shrugged frowning.
"How complicated?" I scoffed. "It's not complicated. You want me but you just can't with her around. So choose. Or I can make it easier and just leave."
"Laura, please don't do this to me." He reached for me but I jerked away.
"I'm not the one doing anything." I shook my head turning away. If he can't choose between two girls then I'm done. I can't be around them anymore. I headed back down to my room and grabbed my bag and tossed my clothes inside.
"Where are you going?" My mom whispered raising her brows and crossing her arms.
"Away from here," I muttered.
"You don't need bran to be happy sweetheart. Ok, no stop packing." My mom grabbed my bag flinging it. "Listen to me. You can make being here easier if you just let go. Go on a couple of dates with some other guys. You're young. If he knew any better, he'd let her go and get you."
"Your moms right," Sunny said busting through the door. "Let's go to the club!"
"I like your friend." My mom chuckled. "You girls go get ready. I'll be your designated driver."

It took some time but we got ready and drove to the club that was a few blocks away. It was all neon and glow in he dark inside. And boy was it packed full of bodies, sweaty bodies.
"I've never seen you before." A guy my age with dark brown hair that was tied in a bun said standing beside me.
"Of course not," I replied. "New here."
"Well, I'm Noah. Nice to meet a pretty lady."
"Laura." I shook his hand and smiled.
"Beautiful name goes with your gorgeous glow," Noah said smiling wide. "Care to dance?"
I agreed and followed him to the dance floor. I probably looked funny out here trying to white girl shake it, but I was having fun. Noah didn't seem that bad. He seemed nice and sweet.
"You wanna get out of here?" He asked pointing to the door.
"Uh, no. I'm with my friends." I declined. "Sorry."
"We can always move to another room, more privacy." He shrugged.
"Oh, no thanks." I declined again.
He was getting irritated so he decided a better way to get what he wanted from me by grabbing me and pulling me to where he wanted. But I resisted, I fought like hell. Until I couldn't anymore. He was bigger and tougher and I was getting tired from fighting him off. He pulled me into a secluded room and locked the door behind him. I begged him to stop, pleaded even. But he wouldn't stop or let me go. He tore my shirt off and ripped my underwear while forcing himself into me.
I managed to reach for my phone and hit brans name. I don't know if he answered but the door broke open and sunny and my mother was pulling the guy out of the room and helping me stand. They walked me back to the car and sat me inside while they talked to the bouncer about the incident. I'm trying to fight tears from falling. I've never had a guy force himself on me. Except for Ben of course when I was younger. Do I deserve this?

My mom and sunny helped me through the lobby where mostly everyone was and up to the room.
"Run her some bathwater." My mom whispered to sunny.
Sunny nodded and ran to the bathroom and ran the water into the tub. My mom helped me undress. There was so much blood coming from between my legs, but I felt numb. I didn't want to move. Didn't want to speak. How could I trust anyone now?
"Come on." Sunny whispered. "We got you."
They slid me into the tub and closed the door walking out of the bathroom.
Arguing started in the other room. I could bran so clearly, he sounded furious.
"What happened!?" He yelled.
"It was my idea to go have fun." Sunny was crying. "That guy, he raped her."
"No, don't go in there." My mother shouted clinging to the doorknob.
I lay still in the tub staring at the door. I couldn't feel anything, I tried to block it all out. If this is what I deserved, I might as well die. I slowly got up and stepped from the tub full of bloody water. I grabbed a razor and made a straight line on my wrist. Same on the other. Before collapsing the door busted open and I saw bran. Tears falling from his eyes. My sweet ecstasy. My dreams. Everything I wanted in life, taken in a second. I was on my way home to my grams, my gramps, and finally my father.

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