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Two days have gone and passed. Today's the day I have to tell Bran if I'm joining or leaving. I don't wanna leave, everyone has been so kind to me. My grandmas funeral is tomorrow. I'm not ready for all of this. My life is over before it really even begins.
"Morning sleepyhead!" Sunny was singing.
"Yea get up. You have to meet with Bran after breakfast."
"Fine. Coming." I threw on a clean pair of pants and t-shirt and ran downstairs behind Sunny. Today everyone was all chatty and what not and staring at me. I noticed a pretty blonde-haired girl sitting with Bran, I've never seen her before.
"Oh, that's Marla. She claims Bran is hers." Sunny shrugged. "But he isn't." She waved dismissively.
"They sleep together I'm assuming.."
"Sometimes. But hey, he's single."
Marla stared directly into my soul. What the hell?
"Oh goody, the witch walks this way." Sunny rolled her eyes.
"You're the new girl?" She placed both hands on the table and leaned in. "Word of advice? Stay away from Bran." She winked and walked away.
"Uh, ok.." I sighed. If I join this gang, I'm dedicating myself to stay far the hell away from her.
"Sorry. I know she's clingy, but he doesn't like her in that sense."
Bran stood up and started towards me and sunny.
"What'd she say to you?" He raised his brows pointing towards Marla.
I shrugged. "To stay away from you."
"That's not gonna happen." He sighed. "I'll see you in a few minutes." He turned on his heels and walked back over towards Marla. He looked rather annoyed. He raised his voice at her in front of everyone. Which made us all jump.
"Don't you dare tell people to stay away from me! I'm the leader and I make my own decisions! What the hell is your problem, Marla!?"
She stood up and stared daggers at me. Um, I didn't start this. "I'm sorry baby, you know how I get." she tried to hug him, but he pushed her away.
"I want you out of this house! You're just a cheap hook up...nothing more." he turned on his heels and stopped at our table. "you guys make sure she leaves. And you? Come with me." he was motioning to me.
I got up leaving my food and followed him back into the meeting room.
"Sit." he pointed to a chair.
"Is this about my choice?"
"Yes. Have you made one?"
I nodded. "I want to stay."
"Good choice." He crossed his arms over his chest "initiation is tomorrow night. I hope you can handle it."
"What do I have to do?"
"Well, dance and fight another female member." he shrugged.
"Are you trying to kill me?"
"No. Not at all. Just testing your boundaries." he smirked.
"Well, thanks!" I started to get up, but he grabbed my arm.
"Do you know how to fight?"
"Yes. I took some classes...after...." I looked down at the ground.
"Hey." he lifted my head to look at him. "I get it. You're safe here." Our faces were just inches away, our noses nearly touching. Part of me wanted to kiss him, but part of me wanted to run. I've had boyfriends before, always ended the same. Me getting abused or him cheating. I can never fall for a gang leader, I heard they're the worst. So I just walked out the door and up to my room. I threw myself on my bed and stared up at the glow in the dark stars that I've never really paid much attention to.

"Wake up!" Sunny really has a way to get on my bad side. I kicked her off my bed and into the floor. "ow!"
"Don't wake me up." I shrugged. I got up and helped her up. I went to my closet and threw on some workout clothes. I have the day to train and get ready for initiation. The dance part is easy, it's the fighting that has me a little nervous. I may have taken a few classes but I know gangs train differently. So Sunny said she'd show me a few steps and hits. Afterward, even though I know the dance steps she said she'd show me a couple of steps there also. I don't know what I got myself into, but I guess I'll find out. I also want revenge for my grams. She didn't deserve to be murdered.
"The gold chain!" I mumbled. I reached into my drawer where I threw it and pulled it out.
"What is that!?" Sunny asked peeking over my shoulder.
"I found it. It was in grams hand."
"Whose do you think it is?"
"I only know one person who'd wear a gold chain with the initials K.J."
Sunny's eyes grew wide. "Your mom's BF!?"
"These are my mom's initials, yes, but I don't know if it's his or hers."
"Oooh! Bran can do a scan! He can tell you!"
"How? I don't understand.."
"He kind of...uh...took prints off you after he brought you he will know." she placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's ok."
I sighed. "Ok, I'll talk to him."
"Let's go train first...then you can."
She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs and into the backyard. She had a wooden board laid out on the grass and a couple of mats beside it.
"The wood is for dancing, the mats are for fighting. You ready?"
I nodded. "Sure."

The dancing was easy. But I do have to wear a weird outfit for it. Believe me, I'm not used to my butt hanging out and my cleavage showing, but I have to do this. The fighting was hard, but pretty easy also. Dodge as much as possible and throw punches and kicks to the legs to take them down. Easier said than done, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I think I can do this! Now I have to go find Bran and give him the chain.
"He's in his office," Sunny said pulling me into the meeting room.
"What can I do for you girls?" he asked looking up from his computer.
"I need you to scan this chain." I threw it in front of him.
"Where'd you find this?"
"My grams body. Can you figure out whose it is?"
"I can. It'll take a day or two though."
"That's fine. Just do it." I demanded.
"Watch it." he pointed at me. "I run this place, not you."
"I got that. Just figure this out for me." I turned around and headed back upstairs. Sunny was hot on my heels. I love this girl, but she can be super annoying.
"I'll let you rest. You dance in front of everyone in an hour then you fight in two!"
I'm not excited about this, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm ready for it!

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