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Chelsea and I found a picnic table in the small park that Horton has and sat down. It was a peaceful and sunny day today so it wouldn't look too weird for us to sit here.
"So, I'm sorry about your grams." Chelsea frowned at the drink she was holding.
"I'm fine. Really."
"I wish you would've talked to me."
"I know and I'm sorry I didn't."
Chelsea didn't say much after that and looked behind me while I kept an eye open behind her. But we had to make it look like we were talking so no one would know this was a trap. So we talked about what school was like and how good it was to catch up.
Before long, a red laser was pointed at my chest. I sat there frozen looking around for the source.
"Get down," Chelsea yelled yanking my arm making me fall. "Their watching."
"They're wanting to kill me now," I whispered. "Let's go." I pulled her up and we ran around the restrooms. I took out my phone and dialed brans number. But he didn't answer. I tried Jerry, no answer.
"Maybe they saw the laser," Chelsea said trying to sound assuring.
"I hope you're right," I whispered peeking around the corner. When I didn't see the light anymore I slowly emerged from behind the wall. Someone stepped in front of me hitting me in the head knocking me out.

I woke up back inside the same room I was trapped in when ben and my mother took me, hostage. Ben sat in a chair across from me with his arms wrapped over his chest.
"Good." He smacked his legs getting up. "You're awake." A smirked formed on his mouth.
I tried to move, but I was chained up to a chair leaning against the wall. The old man, Jacob Sr. walked inside with a scowl on his face.
"Don't bother." He glared at me sitting in front of me. "You're locked down tight."
"Why am I back here?"
"You nearly killed my son," Jacob growled. "Too bad your mother gave her life for nothing."
"It wasn't for nothing." I spat in his face.
"Your back here now, aren't you?" He smirked. "See, we are getting rid of that." He pointed to my stomach. "Then my son will have his way with you until you get pregnant with his baby, then we will kill you."
I glared at him.
"Don't worry," Ben whispered in my ear. "You won't feel a thing."
A doctor came in an unshackled me to move me to the bed. I fought and fought until more people grabbed me and chained me to the bed.
"It's pointless to fight, Laura," Ben warned wagging his finger.
One of the doctors unbuttoned my pants tanking them off and tossing them to the ground. I kicked and screamed as much as I could. When she removed my underwear she looked up at me with a knowing look and smiled a little.
"Gentlemen, please leave." She said waving her hands to the door.
They all agreed they didn't want to see a baby being torn while it was alive so they vacated peacefully. When they left I raised an eyebrow at the woman.
"I know what that is." She pointed to the string. "Tracker. I need to know if you can take me with you." She whispered kneeling by my head. "See I'm forced to be here, I was taken from my own family. My own children." She started to cry.
I grabbed her hand and frowned. "I'll get you out of here. But you have to help me."
"Anything, just get me out of here alive." She pleaded.
I nodded my head. She removed my shackles and handed me my pants. She dirtied up my underwear to make it look like I was bleeding and took some toilet paper and wet it to make it look like a baby. It was interesting to see her do this.
"Not my first time." She whispered placing it inside a tray. "But I do have to re shackle you before they get back."
"Hopefully my group will be here by then," I whispered laying back down.

An hour went by and I was still shackled. The doctor never left my side, only to remove the tray. Her excuse was to keep an eye on me, which Jacob agreed to.
Gunfire and bombs being set off made me jump a little. Which means, their here. And soon, I'll be free.
The door jerked open and ben stepped inside glaring at me. "This is a trap!" He yelled lunging for me. The doctor who was still present grabbed a needle and stuck it in his neck making him pass out.
"A heavy dosage of pain meds." She shrugged. "I have plenty more where that came from."
She quickly unlatched the chains and let me up. "Remember, I want out alive."
I nodded and peered in the hallway. It was pretty empty except the blonde I knew as Marla. She was walking closer and closer to the door. I shut it and bent down in front of it to hopefully keep her out.
"Get me some more of those meds." I hissed to the doctor.
She drew more into a needle and slid it to me. I gripped it between my knuckles and moved quickly from the door allowing Marla inside.
"We meet again." She hissed raising a gun. "You got me kicked out of the lions, and brans life. Well, now it's your turn!"
"Why don't you put that down and fight fair, coward!" I shouted from on the ground beside the bed.
"I know how you fight. I'm not stupid."
"You scared?" I asked chuckling.
The doctor loaded up another needle and placed it inside her coat pocket. One way or another, Marla was going down.
"Wait, I'm with the snakes. Please don't shoot." She pleaded raising her hands in the air.
"Fine." Marla groaned. "Leave."
The woman rose and walked slowly with her hands still raised. Marla followed her movements giving me enough time to make a move. I crawled around being quiet and lunged at Marla tackling her to the ground making her lose her gun. The doctor picked it up and had it raised at Marla.
"Seriously?" Marla groaned punching me in the ribs.
I leaned up and started swinging and connecting to different places of her body. I had my thighs tightened around her waist to keep her pinned. I lost my needle and the doctor handed me hers. I stuck it into Marla's exposed neck vein. She quickly lost cautiousness.
"Now what?" The doctor asked.
"Now we get the hell out of here."

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