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It's been a few days and I was feeling so much better. Bran made me stay in the penthouse, back in his room. So I've either been in the room laying down or on the couch channel surfing. My moms been in and out checking on me. So I guess in a way she's trying. But I don't get where she goes everyday for hours. No one has eliminated Ben yet. I guess their waiting on me to get better.
"Medicine time." Bran yelled from a foot away.
I groaned and sat up on the couch. "If I have to."
"Well, they did say you could stop if you wanted to." He shrugged sitting the bottle back down.
"I don't need them. They make me sleepy."
"Then you don't have to take them. Oh, um.. Jerry is stopping by today. He wants to meet you." Bran sighed sitting on the couch beside me.
"Great." I muttered picking up the tv remote.
I wasn't sure how I felt about meeting a mafia king. Nervous maybe, terrified? Definitely!
"He's not a scary guy." Bran chuckled wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

A knock tapped on the door making me jump straight up. I heard the doorknob rattle and it opened. Conversation filled the entire room.
"Where's the gal?" A mans voice asked.
"She's in here. She was asleep, she may be up now." bran answered. Feet shuffled closer so I shut the tv off to see what was going on. "Babe? This is Jerry."
"It's nice to finally meet you, Laura. I've heard a lot about you." Jerry smiled offering me his hand.
"Nice to meet you too." I smiled shaking his hand.
"Where are my manners? This lovely lady is my wife, Breanna." Jerry said introducing the lady with him.
The two looked extremely rich. Too rich for my taste. Jerry had short silver hair mixed with black. His wife had lovely long brown curls. And by the looks of her chest, boob implants and she wasn't afraid to show them off. Her dress was extremely low cut showing her cleavage.
"This is our daughter, Bree." Jerry said pointing to the girl beside him. The girl I knew all too well.
"Ew, gross. You." She scoffed sitting on the sofa.
"I could say the same about you." I rolled my eyes.
"You two know each other?" Breanna asked raising her brows.
"I know this idiot from school." Bree spat. "I don't like her."
"Last I checked, I passed every class. Which ones did you fail? Oh right, all of them." I spat back. "Unless banging the teachers counted as a curriculum."
"You did what young lady!?" Jerry growled. "We will discuss this later. For now, you two get along. Laura is family, Bree."
"Not my family." Bree growled. "Bran is my family. She never will be. Isn't that right bran?" Bree winked at him like it was a secret.
"Oh boy." Bran groaned walking to the kitchen. "I agree with Jerry."
"Bran dear, Jerry told me you allowed a snake into your home?" Breanna asked curiously.
"I did. Laura's mother." Bran nodded.
"Is that wise?" She raised her brow.
"Probably not. It was either join us or die. She joined us. But I have no doubts she's still in contact with them." Bran frowned at me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked leaning against the kitchen railing.
"Mark has been keeping track of her, it was better than letting her roam freely. She doesn't know we are keeping tabs." Bran said.
"I want to know what he finds out." I pointed out.
"Anything." Bran nodded.
"Come with me bran." Jerry said pointing to the door.
Bran followed Jerry out the door, leaving me with Breanna and Bree. I guess it makes sense Bree is how she is. Her dad's a freaking mafia boss. No wonder she's so spoiled.
"We heard what happened a few days ago." Breanna frowned touching my shoulder. "We also know the man disappeared."
"I- I don't want to talk about this. I'm sorry." I frowned at the floor. "It's just, I'm trying to move past it."
"I understand." Breanna nodded. "But if you want to talk, here's my number."
"Don't make nice with the freak mom." Bree groaned.
"Now, Bree! That is enough young lady! You are a guest in this place. Laura has been through a lot in her life, something you know nothing about! Apologize!" Breanna growled at her daughter.
"Fine. I'm sorry." Bree sighed.
"I'm use to her snarky comments." I shrugged.
"She's done this before?" Breanna asked looking at her daughter.
"A lot more than words." I nodded. "I'm no snitch, but she is a bully."
"Bree!" Breanna growled. "We have a lot to discuss later. For now, phone!" Breanna held out her hand.
"What?" Bree frowned. "Fine! Here." She slammed the phone into her moms hand.
"This is not how a king behaves!" Breanna snarled.
Bree made snake eyes at me and I smirked at her. We aren't in high school anymore. It was time we acted like adults. Especially her.
Bran walked back in followed by Jerry.
"I believe it's time to go now dear." Jerry nodded. "It was lovely to meet you Laura."
"You too Jerry. Please come again." I smiled.
"Oh, you can count on it." Breanna smiled wrapping me into a hug.
"You'll regret what you did." Bree hissed in my ear.
"No, no I won't." I chuckled. "I'm not afraid of you, Bree."
"You should be." She growled.
"Bree, leave Laura alone and let's go young lady. You're already in a heap of trouble now move!" Breanna yelled pointing to the door.
I couldn't help but bust into laughter when they were gone. Bree is getting into tons of trouble over everything she did to me in school. And it felt good knowing that.
"How do you know Bree?" Bran asked raising his brow.
"School." I shrugged. "We never got along."
"Obviously." He laughed.
"She was the mean girl." I said making air quotes. "Milk in hair? Check. Name calling? Elementary but check."
"Yea that sounds like Bree." Bran nodded. "I don't see how you survived school with her. I barely survived living with her when my dad died."
"I wanted to kill myself. But I figured she'd gain a victory." I laughed obviously joking. "I wanted to bash her skull open, kinda glad I didn't now." I laughed harder.
"Well I'm glad you didn't kill yourself or bash her. But, what do you wanna do for the rest of the day?" He asked putting his forehead on mine.
"Lay down." I chuckled. "I wanna be lazy."
"Can I join?"
"Always." I nodded.

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