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"Tell me, why were you paying the leader of your gang?" A loud blow landing over and over again from the chamber Ben and Mom were in.
A man laughing and spitting rang out. More blows landed.
"Answer me!"
More laughter. "You'll soon find out!" Ben yelled. "Come in here, girl! I know you're listening."
I opened the door and stepped inside. Ben was covered in blood from all the punches he took. My mother was cowering in the corner still tied up. "Please stop them." My mother pleaded.
"I can't." I shook my head turning away from her.
"You're a stupid girl," Ben muttered and spat.
"Well, you killed my grandmother, tied me up to let some sicko try and rape me. And you were going to kill me. So no, I'd say I'm smarter than you." I smirked.
"You really think we were gonna kill you?" Ben chuckled hysterically. "No. We were going to marry you off to the Snakes leader to marry his son!"
"Then why pay him?" I folded my arms over my chest.
"Because you stupid girl, we paid him to help us find you!" He spat at my feet. "Turns out we didn't need his help."
"Guess not." I chuckled. "Continue, mark." I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me. Blows landed and my mother started screaming.

Back inside the house, everyone was in the living room waiting for news. Bran was sitting in a chair with Marla at his feet. He looked annoyed at her. As I approached he grabbed my hand pulling onto his lap tucking one arm around my waist and the other holding my thigh.
"How'd it go?" He whispered in my ear.
"Turns out they paid the Snakes to find me." I shrugged. "They were going to sale me to them for the leaders' son to marry."
"Then they'll still be looking for you. And they know where this house is." He didn't look worried or concerned. "We have to leave for a while."
Marla scoffed and rolled her eyes at the sight of me and bran. She's really pissed I came back.
"Get me alone with my mom," I whispered getting up.
He nodded his head getting up and walked out the door.

I was sitting in my room talking to sunny when bran barged through.
"Pack your shit girls." He demanded. "We have to leave."
"What about Ben and my mom?"
"They're already moved. But we have got to go." He let out a frustrated sigh. "But I got you time with your mom."
"Thank you," I muttered quietly.
"Now get packing. We leave tonight." He exited the room and started beating on doors telling them the same thing. He reached the last door, marlas. I can hear everything only because bran forgot to close my door.
"Oh, bran. Are you here for some more fun?" Marla chuckled her flirty laugh.
"No. I'm just here to tell you to pack your shit. We are leaving."
"Wanna have a quickie first? Laura won't know."
"I'm pretty sure my girlfriend would know. So no I don't want to be anywhere close to you. Just pack your shit." His shuffled back down the hall to my door.
"Girlfriend huh?" I laughed throwing my stuff into a few bags.
"Unless you don't want to be." He shrugged hiding a laugh.
"Oh, she wants to be!" Sunny interrupted.
"Sunny?" Bran sighed. "Go pack your stuff."
"Yup, going. See ya lovers." She winked and laughed walking to her room.
Bran helped me throw the rest of my stuff into bags. "So I was thinking." Bran began speaking. "When we get to the other place, maybe you could stay in my room."
I stopped packing and stared at him surprised. "Really?"
He nodded. "Unless you want your own room..." he frowned slightly.
"No, no I'll stay with you." I smiled feeling my face go warm.
He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

We all finished packing our belongings and threw the bags in the back of trucks and in the trunks of cars.
Bran and I hopped in the car with Mark and Lisa and sunny had Marla. I bet she's hating it right now.
We drove out of Horton valley and into the city. Monroe City. It was a beautiful city, big too.
We pulled up outside a large fancy hotel and unloaded all our stuff. I just stood there looking at the building, not moving.
A hand snaked around my waist. "My father owned it. Now I do." Bran smirked lightly and frowned. "This is our second home. No one knows about it. The Snakes don't ever come here."
"Why not?" I turned my head to face him.
"Monroe city, it belongs to the Russian mafia. They're bigger and scarier than a gang."
"But they don't bother you?" I asked confused.
"No, they don't. The big guy was friends with my dad. He practically raised me after my dad died." He frowned at me then smiled.
He grabbed my hand and led me to a separate elevator than the main ones. He pushed the button that took us up to the very top floor.
When it stopped we came out into the penthouse. It was pretty big and gorgeous. Like someone kept it clean.
Only the main people who stayed at the other house would stay up here with us. But he wanted to show me around first since it was my first time here.
"Please don't tell me Marla will stay up here too?" I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"No." Bran laughed. "I made sure she'd stay a floor or two down. Far away from me."
"Good." I smiled. "I'd hate to kill her."
He laughed and smashed his mouth to mine. His tongue danced along my lower lip, so I opened my mouth further and did the same.
Before I knew it, I was being lifted up onto a table with bran pushing his way between my legs. One of his hands held me in place while the other Snaked up my shirt to my breast. I let out a small moan which made him smile.
Someone barged in and cleared their throat. "Really guys? We have to eat there!" Sunny shrieked.
Bran pulled back and laughed kissing my forehead. "Finish this later?"
I bit my lower lip and nodded.
Everyone else was bringing in bags and towing them to their rooms. Sunny had mine along with hers. She winked and threw mine down and took off to her room. Mark had grabbed brans stuff and threw it beside mine while making kissing noises and laughing. Lisa smacked him in the head which made me laugh.
I didn't think I'd find a family, but I did. Even if the family is a gang.

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