Breakfast with Fergal

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Mercedes woke up tiredly, but before she could open her eyes, she prayed to know whether it was just a dream

"Please don't tell me it was for real".

She then opened her eyes and immediately soughed as she looked around the room where she had met two Vampires and a hot Demon.

Mercedes turned her head to see her bag lying down below the counter beside the bed where she laid herself.

The doors opened as Allen and Ashley barged in.

"Goodmorning" Allen enthusiastically said as Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs and don't try ordering us to bring yours here" Ashley threatened her as Mercedes raised her hands in defense.

"I'm not"

Allen nudged Ashley "Hey we are not here to threaten people".

"Just come with us to breakfast downstairs" Allen continued as he smilwd widely and left. "Don't you ever dare take him away from me" Ashley threatened Mercedes once more and left.

Mercedes immediately got scared and a thought suddenly came barging in to her thoughts.

I don't understand why they are keeping me here and who was telling to do this?

She went out of her room and walked through the halls and slowly walkes downthe stairs.

She went in to the dining room and saw the three kidnappers peacefully eating their breakfast.

Ashley noticed her arrival and gestured her to sit down at the seat right in front of Fergal who was focusing on his breakfast not knowing what was happening.

Mercedes sat down and slowly ate her bacon and egg. Fergal suddenly moved his eyes making him stare right at her as Mercedes noticed it and she immediately blushed.

Why do I keep on blushing when I look at him?

He directly looked away snapping Mercedes back to reality.

"So, um, can you tell me why did you kidnapped me?" She started an awkward conversation as Fergal, Allen and Ashley looked at her.

"It was actually someone who ordered us and told us it was for your own good" Fergal said not knowing that Mercedes was already squeling inside herself due to the fact that he was the only one who answered her question.

Her mind was warning her with all of this. What are you doing Mercedes? You know that you just got divorced and now youare getting attracted to a man who kidnapped you?!

Mercedes continued to stare at Fergal as everything went in slow motion. His eyes were as light as the sky, his face is very handsome as he lick his lips making Mercedes fall unto her knees.

The next thing she knew was herself being alone in the dining room as everybody finished their breakfasts.

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