Goodbye For Now

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Mercedes woke up with a sunshine on her face. It was the first time in 5 years that she was somehow, happy. She happily cuddled with the man she loved only to realized that it wasn't him.

It she unveiled the blanket revealing a soft, comfortable material. A pillow. She sat up covering parts with a blanket looking around her sorroundings and it was peacefully quiet. The heat of the sun started burning her skin whilst she had to cover the window.

Was it all just a dream?

Thoughts were running through her mind. "Fergal?" She yelled yet no answer. She soon felt something inside of her. That same emotion she felt over the past years as her tears started filling in. The Bostonian native started eventually wiped it of and wore a silk robe and went out.

A curious Mercedes looked around the peaceful house looking for Fergal. The house started to show its true form. The beautiful furnitures started disappearing and some changing from new to destroyed. Looking around and realized it was the house were she was kidnapped.

A noise started getting louder evertime she went nearer to a door. Realizing that it was Fergal's, she opened the door revealing the one eyed demon, Bálor on fire. She was aghast and stood in fear as she stood in front of him. She tried to move but she couldn't.

She was paralyzed and saw Bálor slowly opening his eyes wind shrivelled through her skin. As she saw his eyes widely opened she started screaming as fire swirled around her.


Mercedes heavily gasped as she sat up in fear. She started to breath heavily as she looked around the room realizing that it was all a dream. She covered her parts with a blanket.

"Hey." A familiar toned voice she heard. She turned her head to see Fergal staring at her laying on the bed. He also sat up looking at her. "What's wrong?" He questioned. "Nothing, just a nightmare." She said as they both lied down.

She put her head on his biceps and put her arm around his chest staring at a beautiful lamp with red flowers going around it.

"Mercedes?" Questioned Fergal before Mercedes replied, "Yes?"

"What happened?" He asked which he knew that it was self explanatory to her. She sighed deeply before answering, "I got a bruise behind by my lower back."

"What?!" He yelled. She kinda knew what would be his reaction since she knew him for a long time now and which she didn't mind him because she knew how much he cares for her. "What happened?" He questioned.

"You know Mikaze right?" She asked as he nodded. "Well he did this to me, but before you get mad or anything else. I started beating him and he was trying defend himself so I got this."

"So you're defending him?" He said as tension between them started to rise. "No I'm not Fergal..." She tried to explain but he simply cut her off, "Yes you are. Either he did it on purpose or not he still hurt you. Their is no excuse for hurting you because of that bruise of yours."

She frowned defeated by his words. Soon he stood up and went to his closet to get his shorts. She took a silk robe and wore. "Please don't go to him."

"No, I'm not gonna go to him. I don't want any fight. I'm not that vengeful guy you once knew me." He said only wearing his shorts and jumped back on the bed.

She stood on her position not moving at all but continuously stare at him. He smiled at her, "You know, the more you get banged up the darker you get."

She scoffed, "Yeah right."

"Show me." He suddenly said. Dirty thoughts came to her and remembered that they had sex last night. "Show what?" She asked.

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