Responsible Part 2

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"How did you know?"

Her mother Judith broke the hugged and looked into her daughter's eyes seeing happiness turning into anger.

She sighed deeply and said, "I was responsible for all of this." Mercedes was fuming with anger she couldn't even imagine her mother kidnapping her.

"Why are you doing this?" She goshed with tears started fill in her eyes as her mother sighed "I did this for your own good. You've been depressed ever since you lost your championship and when you got divorced to Sarath." Fergal tilted his head curiosity at the word 'Divorce'.

Judith continued "I couldn't take it seeing you like this-" Mercedes interrupted her "Oh you couldn't take it anymore?! How about you put yourself under my shoes and feel how I have been feeling for the past few days! You may think that it was helping me, but it's not Mom!"

Allen, Ashley and Fergal were still staring at both Judith and Mercedes and couldn't get themselves into the topic. Few seconds have passed and soon Mercedes spoke once more "Get out." She said with a voice that was like a lion preparing for murder.

"Mercy please-" Her mother begged, but it was no use for it only made Mercedes angrier "GET OUT!!".

Soon, they all left her room leaving Mercedes alone crying.

How could her mother do this to her own daughter? Her own mother, the one she thought would help her with her problems and now she only made it worst.

She was bursting with tears realizing that she has nothing else to go but this house with Vampires and a Demon who has anger issues and nearly sucked her soul.

Few seconds have passed and something in Mercedes' mind sparked with an idea. How about going back to the wrestling company she worled called WWE? It wasn't much of an idea because it all she had left.

She may not be a champion anymore, but that won't stop her because now she realized that the only person who could help her with all of this shit is herself.

Before she could go back to the company, she better make a phone call to her boss, Vince McMahon. She slowly opened her bedroom door and swiftly ran towards the livingroom where the phone was located.

Mercedes looked for Allen, Ashley and Fergal in case they might find out what she was up to, but the room was deserted and couldn't find any of them.

Maybe they fetched my stupid, lying mother.

She thought to herself and immediately went for the home run and that is going for the call.


"Mr. McMahon? This is me, Mercedes." She was bursting with happiness seeing her boss' low toned voice and Mercedes soon noticed that she was back on the road. The road to success.

Mercedes? It is good to see you! How have you been?

"I would be fine if would be back winning my title back." She replied with a lot of swagger making her boss chuckle.

(Chuckling) So, when are you going to come back?

"I don't know about it. I still need to forget about the issues I have been having and I think I would be back less than a month" She suggested.

Oh, okay just tell me if you are prepared for a comeback

"Thank you" She said before her boss hung up.

Ashley suddenly arrived from the door and spoke to her immediately "Mercedes I don't know what probpems you have been having, but I respect that and I'm sorry about it."

Mercedes opened her mouth to speak, but she noticed her speaking again, so she shut it back as Ashley continued "Your mother told me to tell you that you are free to go."

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